Felix’s plans for the future!
Retaking Lendore Isle:
Two basic actions that should happen in the next few years include finding out what the Har-daways know about the opposition (including now out of date maps etc...) and finding out what the Hardaway clan’s resources are. Determining what the maximum, acceptable and minimal (some sanctions will have to be leveled, I presume) rules of engagement should also occur.
Additionally, Felix is interested in the dwarven pantheon’s take on the Lendore Isle situation. It seems to me that the Burrower’s actions are probably quite unpopular with the rest of the gods. If so, they might be convinced to hoist the Burrower on his own petard, by forcing him (and hence his followers) to accept Felix as the rightful king. It seems a very law-abiding dwarven form of punishment for an unpopular family member. Even so much as forcing his priesthood to stay neutral would be a huge coup (not to mention helping keep casualties down on both sides), and the effects could be far greater. If such a possibility exists, Felix would be interested in run-ning down a list of the dwarven deities and doing them all a favor (this might be worth doing in general from a “get legitimacy” point of view anyways). If so, we might count mass giant slaughter/membership of the guard thingy as service to Clanggedin. Helping out the Kingdom of Eralla might count as service to Dumathoin (I think thats the right god). Directed politicing (see below) would be service to Moradin. This would leave *checks the Unearthed* Vergadain, Ber-ronar and (if needed from a “keeping face” point of view), service to the Burrower that is accept-able to the party/rest of the dwarven pantheon (surely something could be found). In game, this would be an awesome coup that would provide legitimacy/reduced bloodshed and possibly re-duced danger of assassins in the future. Out of game, I think a sequence of holy quests is proba-bly has easier logistics than an invasion. An interesting possibility would include a summit be-tween Felix and the leader of the dark dwarves, perhaps in the hopes of resolving age-old griev-ances of a not-entirely-clear nature.
Next few years:
Felix is very interested in fostering some slightly unusual trade between Eralla/White Moun-tain/Shabrund, likely involving, but not necessarily limited to: 0th/low level soldiers from White Mountain to Shabrund for a tour of duty, in exchange for Shabrundian gear (cool dwarven or +1). Mid level (people who can take a giant hit and live/still be standing) from Shabrund/White Mountains to Eralla for a tour of duty in exchange for Eralla gear (+1/+2, maybe even more if the person is high level). First level people with promise from Eralla or Shabrund might head to the White Mountains to spend their formative years in a place more appropriate to their level (re-ducing low level losses). In addition, Shabrund may have a valuable resource in the Northerners in the vale, who provide skilled overland experience in the form of classes not normally allowed to dwarves. In general, the idea would be to get people of the appropriate level to the dwarven kingdom most suited (from a danger point of view) to their development, with the service being paid (generally) in gear. While its state secret nature should probably continue, high level dwarves suffering from permanent injury might be very willing to abide in Eralla and aid in her defenses for prolonged periods to partake in her healing properties.
It would please Felix no end if in time one of the social prerequites for high level positions in the dwarven armies became having served in all three kingdoms for a time. Some appropriate title could be coined for the feat. The dwarven clergy might be willing to make this a form of service to the gods, to reduce the mercenary feel.
Joel had an idea that, if politically feasible (and I am fully aware it very well may not be) would be extremely valuable (and interesting to Donald). The various dwarven kingdoms do have rather deep pools of high leveled people (one of the advantages of being long lived, I guess). While the kingdoms are quite far apart by land, the construction of teleport portals between them would allow them to come to each other’s aid in times of need by sending in the high level guys. The relatively low limit on number of transits is of little concern if the portal’s use is diplomatic and emergency military transport of a small number of powerful people. In addition, although one hopes the need never arises, this could make a last minute evacuation of Eralla possible. If this is possible, Donald would likely be offered work on the project, earning him experience, money and the opportunity to rub shoulders with the highest level trustworthy Mages money can buy...
I think that the humans (Balinor, Morty, etc.) and others (Tarplin, etc.)
might be interested in coordinating the timing of their push to
"civilize" Lendore such that a totally new order is established at one
time - in effect a founding of a new Keystone Kingdom with the human
leadership primarily holding sway over the above ground and the dwarven
leadership holding sway over the below ground world and above ground as
needed for mutual support and defense.
This may make it even worse for real world logistics, but I don't really
know about that.
Posted by: Joel
July 17, 2007 11:19 AM
I just had one comment from a Telvar newbie.
In campaigns and books I have read, most dwarves are very clan oriented.
In otherwords there is very much competition and rivalry between clans
with regard to prowess, trade, riches, and craftsmanship. This exists of
course until that way of life is threatened or outside influences tilt
the balances. Then dwarves set aside any rivalries and band together into
a cohesive force very few races can muster in defense of their kinsman
(plus if I save your butt, I've got something on you eh?).
I'm not sure how the dwarves are in Telvar but it seems like a formal
dwarven kingdom swap of manpower especially during times of piece would
be looked on with suspicion. Would dwarves really want to spend alot an
extended tour of duty with another clan? Culture clashes?
While it sounds cool, I'm just wondering from a game sense if dwarves
would be very supportive of and able to amicably support the structure
you propose.
Posted by: Joel
July 17, 2007 11:19 AM
Under good circumstances, I think you'd be right.
These aren't good circumstances.
Shabrund is (and knows it is) on a long, slow decline.
Eralla... is desperate. At best.
While I know less about White Mountain, I'm pretty sure they are the
*only* New World Dwarven kingdom with a stable, ample population.
Posted by: Joel
July 17, 2007 11:20 AM
One real-world comments on a clan-based society. It was apparently
very common practice in Scottish clans to "foster" children with
another clan for a period of time, even though no special reason
existed other than to draw clans closer together, forge alliances, or
even as a hostage against bad behavior on the part of the other clan.
In many cases, the "fostered" children were treated as family members
and developed a special bond with the Clan in which they were
I think this shows the possibility that regular fostering or service
in another clan, especially among the "youth" who haven't been set in
their ways, can be a way of keeping disparate Clans together, and
could be a workable solution for "clannish" Dwarves as well.
Just $0.02.
Posted by: Joel
July 17, 2007 11:22 AM
Alex's picture of the status of the three kingdoms is accurate. Some
have hopes that Shabrund will recover with the end of the Cromwell /
Realmish wars and the Phaulkonian destruction of the eastern fire
giant stronghold. Yet, King Ranore gave them greater surface
victories in the past and that was not enough...
The White Mountain Kingdom is growing very slowly, but steadily, has
crushed its surface enemies, only borders the Realm and the ocean -
and it has been at peace with all of the Realmish governments, and is
defensible against the ocean. Only some limited attacks from pirates
and Derro Dwarves have been problems, and those have been overcome
with cooperation with help from the Petethalian navy and Dunstill and
Illic (pirates) and adventurers, Eldrin's elite squads, and elite
members of the kingdom (derro dwarves).
Posted by: Joel
July 21, 2007 04:39 PM