BLADES Summary #67
Character Race & Class Level HP AC Player Creator
Raybur Sidebottom Dwarven Fighter/Cleric 6/6 64 (-7) -3/0/2 Dean Dean
Phyllis Sidebottom Dwarven Fighter 7 64 -5/-5 Katherine Katherine
Effrede George Half Elven Magic User/Thief 6/6 34 -3/1 Katherine Katherine
Talarian Blackguard Half Elven Fighter 7 68 Occ. Ring
(-10) -9/-4
(-7) -6/-1 Dean Dean
Conrhia Applewhite Half Elven Woodsman 7 68 -5/-4/0 Rhonda Rhonda
Serlisse Reintar Half Elven Druid 7 32 -1/1/1 Rhonda Rhonda
Sputnik Half Elven Cleric 7 49 1/4/4 Jay Jay
Arthur of Petethal Half Elven Ranger 6 58 2/4 David David
Zephram Trent Hill Gnome Fighter/Illusionist 5/5 41 (-5) -3/-2/2
1/5 w/out PA Alan Alan
Shirlard Half Orkish Fighter 5 44 3/3 Darleen Darleen
Costigan Coastlander Fighter//Cleric 1//3 25(35) (2)3/3 Alan Rodger
[Session 67]
July 16 and 17, 2194
Talarian beats a leaping lizard. (Lizard 1)
Phyllis beats a Stone Giant easily. (Humanoid 2)
Arthur fails miserably and loses 3 possible Raises on Lizard 1.
Raybur beats a Stone Giant fairly easily (Humanoid 2)
Fred Webs, Magic Missiles and backstabs Lizard 1 to death.
Conrhia turns a Stone Giant into an arrow caddy. (H2)
Zephram defeats his raptor. (L1)
Sputnik uses a lot of spells to buff under Sanctuary and then blinds his poor raptor. (L1)
July 18th, 2194
Talarian beats a baby Green Dragon with a lot of trouble. (Dragon 1)
Phyllis beats a Frost Giant. (Humanoid 3)
Raybur beats a Leaping Lizard easily (Lizard 1)
Fred torments a bigger raptor with Stinking Cloud and a pit. (Lizard 2)
July 24, 2194
A week later, Shirlard faces a slug the size of a two room house in Random Level 1. It spits nasty acid gobs. She dodges most of them, but gets clobbered by one nasty gobbet.
Sputnik faces the back half of a horse, front half lion and a scaled woman’s torso with a Wisdom draining effect.
The BLADES get a 7235 total credit after a good meal for 60 credits.
August 10, 2194
When Arthur is ready to move, we return to the Sphinx. We trade facts. He tells us that the arena continues to double the payouts through level 8.
We ask to find out about the Lieutenant. The doors are closed everything has been locked down. The Lt. of the Resort says they’re going to wait it out. Two months go by; six; then a year. No one sent any of the magical communications that can pierce the concealment of the dome. The men say that it is time to send out a foray. The Lt. says that the concealment will be broken. There was a mutiny and the Lt. killed all of his own men with the golems. He went into his tower, closed the doors and waited until he died. He is still there, worrying about whether he made the right decision. He is now a Philosopher and it is dangerous and he can ensnare someone in his thoughts. He still controls all of the golem army and he can control time and space with his thoughts. The Sphinx would pay well for any information about the siege. The Lieutenant’s thoughts travel through the air and can sear the minds of any who try to go through the door at the base of the tower. The sphinx would consider it rude to try to go through there as it might interrupt his access to the Casino. The Lt. is in the Security Tower in the middle of the Courtyard. We cannot go through the door in the basement, but through the courtyard door would be fine for us (if survivable). His Journals and Weapons and the possessions of his men would be sufficient motivation for someone to try to enter the tower. The Philosopher’s thoughts would be visible as weird wisps of colors.
We inquired about prices for possible additional information. Information on a cure for the Dwarves would be 2,500. It would be 2,000 for the information on the party that used to work for him. The Ghost Ship would be 1,000. The Dragon Turtle could be highly variable on price depending on what we were interested in. Information on other factions might be available, but he doesn’t want the status quo affected.
A number of golems are right around the front doors. It isn’t clear that they are designed to attack. We could probably walk right up to them.
The Tower with the rooftop garden is where the Resort manager lived. He accepted the fact the Lt. had killed all of his men and came to the conclusion that the war had been lost. He decided that he needed to wait until the civilization built itself and he still waits. He is a “something” that is as mad as a hatter. The Philosopher may be waiting until it decides whether it was a good idea.
Stepping out the front doors and cut across the courtyard. There are doors that lead to a beautiful garden that seems to be fairly safe. At the far end of the grove are doors to the spa. The Spa allows you to do massive manipulation to whom and what you are. When his party went through, they seemed to release a major demonic force. They were equal in number to us, but slightly less powerful and less equipped than we are. They were annihilated and did not return. He doesn’t know if it is still there or even if we could get in. They were Realmish adventurers. They bought from him the weird scrolls that he had (probably Illusionist scrolls). They were humans and half-orcs. If we make it safe to use, he would give us the information he has on it if we went first to test out the machinery. The party was made up of a Chelsean cleric, warriors and mages.
The dwarves are affected by a deity strength curse which is worse inside the Mall of the Four Elements. If we can get them outside, the power of a demigod would be probably be strong enough to affect them. A High Priest or Priestess might be able to effect the cure. They are incredibly hostile. They are very dangerous. He is scared of them. There are more than eight of them. He thinks that the Mall is the localized source of the curse. It will probably take some sort of Divine Intervention to break the curse. He saw them slaughter the orcs. He isn’t certain what would need to be done to cure them, he’d heard that the highest level priest or priestess of a religion has some additional sway with their deity.
Although the city itself is sealed, in order to equalize pressures and certain sea level issues, when typhoons hit the island, the dome opens. On just such an occasion, a long time ago, a boat led by “The Royal We,” a bizarre orkish captain with his 200 blood thirsty pirates took shelter and they are still there. He doesn’t know a great deal more, but he thinks that there are about 250 of them on board. He thinks that most of them are probably monsters now. As an aficionado of ancient ruins, he thinks that any ancient ruin needs a lich-like being. A city of this size needs several.
For 5,000 there is a tale of Three Dying Civilizations. For 2,000 more, he will give us a suggestion of where to go next. For 10,000 credits he will tell of a threat to us in the future that we aren’t aware of.
Kruklek seems scared of us asking about the god behind the OXO book (Simtam). He has tried to avoid that war. Millennia ago his people were destroyed by wars. A group of his people wanted to hide the bad things they were doing and they wanted to destroy the interconnectedness of things. They destroyed his civilization and systematically destroyed all the followers of Simtam. They destroyed every piece of information that would even allow the worship of Simtam. Some people have hidden from the others and the Chiktak may come and hunt them down. He thinks the one at the way house may be one of the searchers. The one with the Sphinx may be either a searcher or an exile. He is the descendant of exiles and he thinks each side thought that preservation or destruction of the connectedness was of the utmost importance. He admits to being very scared. Some think the interconnectedness can be reestablished, but that would probably draw attention.
Ancients’ Statues
3 potions – Mind Blast Liquor “When you need to forget”
2 potions – No More Rowdy – waterier than the potions of Calm
19 pieces of jewelry – All gone to Implore for Fred
Magic Shield
Magic Spear
Magic Footman’s Flail
Potion A
Potion B
193 gp
75 pp
16 100 gp garnets
1 Holy Symbol of Ilneval – god of the common soldier
* Ring – Continuous piece of Ruby – Highly magical – slightly warm – Ring came significantly before the statues came to life
* Silk blouse
Box of Jewelry
Pair of earrings - Platinum & diamond – 2k
Ring – Platinum & diamond – 2k
Necklace – Platinum, Ruby & Diamond – 7.5k
Shag – about 250# stone dog – a 40# dog if live
Stone Like New – Full tube
Half bottle of Mind Blast Liquor
289 gp
200 pp
19 complete pottery pieces that are being left in place
Theatre Office
Floppy felt hat
Magically preserved Posters – Left there
Singing Parrot – Left there
No More Rowdy Potion
2 Labeled Potions of Calm
10 magic books; 9 remaining
1) loves it no touch pages
2) very frustrated at hard to get – don’t hurt it and put it away
3) ???
4) Remembers how much he loved reading it when young excited to have a copy
5) ????
6) Excited to have & careful
7) Annoyed at a scuff mark, but it does have signature
8) He can’t believe he got it so cheap – slightly guilty
9) Still get an impression of frustration that he wasn’t supposed to read the book
72 gp
14 pp
4 100 gp garnets (There were 6, but 2 used for Sphinx info)
Ring sacrificed
Ring used up
3 small gold rings 200 gp each
2% meteorite steel desk – beautifully worked ith tracery and an oceanic look
Magical paperweight desk light – 3 cn
Very comfy chair after fiddling the knobs.
Chefs’ Home
Half bottle of magical liqueur
3 bottles of ruined wine
16 gp
Preserved food in the cabinets – Left in Place
Two whole bottles of Ideal Seasoning
Two perfect cubes of natural rat poison– Left in Place
Magical bottle of Slim Quick
Crack House
Crystalline bowling ball
Wooden staff
Four foot square embroidery
Magical belt
Magical sandals
Magical Ring
Silver Jewelry
Silver musical jewelry box
Two spools of magical wire
Two tangle of magical wire
Magical thread box
625 spools fine thread
Magic thimble
Three magical needles
Carpet maker’s
Two magical carpets
Brass loom bits
37 Corrosion resistant carpet bands
100 gp silver mirror
Silver box of 4 or 5 in square w/four square empty crystal vials (200-250 gp)
Larger metal box
Figurine sculptor
Elephant figurine
Marble slab – left there
Four cases of figurines – left there
12 pp
70ish ingots of metals
Magical straight handled bell
Magical Wind Chimes
Kinetic Scupltor
Hang in There (Wisdom) – left there
The Chaos of Motion (Intelligence) – left there
Movement of the Crowd (Charisma) – left there
Many Small ones – left there
Prototype – left there
15 gp Quick drop for Talarian
Long Term Projects
Trade/sell paintings for Teleport pads between New Teft & Berk + encumbrance reduction devices (maybe tokenized alchemist’s field lab)
Move Obelisk (The Republic pays with help from Magic Item sales) & Armorer’s Tower (we pay)
Train Fred as an Alchemist – Dragon turtle (eggs?) Healing potions, etc. – Purchase laboratory from Berk
Recruit Ancients Sage(s) from The New World
Puzzle Ring is being ID’ed when might it be ready? – Sent in 2194 (probably December 2195)
Faster passenger ship that can make the round trip in one good sailing season or second ship – need more output from The Republic to justify additional shipping
Look into availability of Wicked Blades
Locatha – research OXO & more
Look into trades
I've added points to Dean's list, some of which might be discussable
before the actual game session
* We need to nail down some dates so that we have a solid timeline of
critical events, which can determine which points we need to address.
Here is what I have from the Excel Calendar and sessions' 66 & 67 notes -
I'll check other session notes later:
15-Mar-2193; Republic Ship heads to New Teft
10-Sep-2193; BLADES at New Teft with Paintings
15-Oct-2193; Republic Ship arrives in New Teft
13-Dec-2193; Icon Letter arrives in New Teft
16-Mar-2194; Republic Ship heads to Old Teft w/Puzzle Ring & Paintings?
2-Sep-2194; Leaf arrives at Resort
? 23-Sep-2194; Leaf arrives in New Teft - didn't get an actual date ~21
on Wheel of Death
??-Oct-2194; Republic Ship expected in Old Teft
??-Mar-2195; Republic Ship will head to New Teft with Icon of All
Avatars, Teleport pads, etc.?
* Finalize the sale of paintings & purchase of Teleport pads
- If timeline above is correct, then we need to send final requests in
time to have everything delivered to Old Teft so it can be shipped to New
* Costigan has the option of going into the Casino Arena on Humanoid,
Dino or Dragon with no Belt of 19 Str when Rounds 1 to 3 were under way
or a week after Shirlard and Sputnik went Random 1.
* Treasure Distribution and Experience Points
- Finish with cash items from Embroidery shop - we missed three items
- All else will be on another email
* Training for those that advance
* Check the rats
* Check for new news
* Check for new magical items in Republic for trade possibilities
* Get with Loba-loba and discuss if they have extra ancients armor or
wicked blades to trade/sell.
* Research possible ways to get the healing/restoration needed for the
Dwarves. I hate to mention it, but the Icon of All Avatars may be needed.
* Research possible demons in Spa
* Research Philosophers and how to defeat them
* Research Lich-like beings that come from fightery types (probably
Captain) and perhaps from Stewards(?)
* try to recruit a sage who studies the Ancients to come here and work
with/for us
* Research OXO or Rimtam with the Ancients or elsewhere? May be very
dangerous to do.
* Talk to Dr. Schnelp about the Sphinx in the Theatre and the Casino
Possible Individual plans
* Talarian & Sputnik - Going to help the elves. Talarian is doing this as
a repentance quest for being an orc so long. The elves also could use a
strong fighter in their quest to clear the ruins of undead. I believe
that Sputnik wanted to help in addition to working on some icon and
history stuff. Probably 6 months. (Possibly the best "local" source of
information on Undead)
* Raybur - Wants to go back to the dwarves to research the potential
location of the dragon armor that is a mate to Phyllis'. Basically to
learn about the expedition that left with both armors. He'll also want to
get more information about the dwarves at the Resort as far as potential
#s and levels in the expedition. He'll also take the crystal charm
elimination globe 20' and see if the dwarves can figure out any way to
use it to mitigate the effects of the mall. Discussion of using divine
intervention and ways of maximizing the chances will also be discussed so
that when we decide to raid the Mall, we'll have the maximum chance of
divine intervention. Raybur will also be working on his Noterity Feat by
spinning stories and songs of the Blades' exploits (dwarven slant of
* Arthur - Kruklek Healing? I think wanted to go out west.
* Serliese - Joreth?
* Fred - There was talk of training as an alchemist in the West;
especially Dragon Turtles and their eggs and need a laboratory from Berk
[Womanizing. Actually, I think the Locatha to get the book under cover
and also to train on feats I believe.]
* Conreha - ?
* Zephram - ?
* Phyliss - ?
* Costigan - Training for new level.
* Shirlard - ?
Posted by: Joel
July 24, 2007 02:09 PM
I've thought of a good use for the Belt of Defense:
For when we're planning to attack a magic-using force, Zeph can wear it
and use the Torque lots.
Posted by: Joel
July 25, 2007 12:41 PM
The only drawback is that you'd have to avoid any other sources of damage
while it's on, but I agree it's best used when there is a planned attack.
Posted by: Joel
July 25, 2007 12:42 PM
Raybur believes that we should release the folks in the book one at a
time and use detections on them/bind them/dispose of them based on what
we learn in case there are any "good" "lawful" folks in there. Then give
the book to the colony for use on criminals. This would be a good side
adventure like the arena is now. Overall, this would be dangerous but
very interesting.
Raybur is interested in the history/experience book because of the
battles it portrays. He now has Noteriety/singing but is looking to get
storytelling to go with his whole "heroic" persona. This would be a great
boon to him not only from a experience standpoint but also in helping
fulfill his non-weapon prof./feat slots. Is there any way you could read
most of it but not finish? I thought that Edwin might have mentioned this
as an option.
Regarding the Last Resort, the colony could probably use this but we have
to keep in mind that it is a potential get out of jail free card for
party kill. Perhaps if we could get a mass teleport scroll out of it, we
could give it to the colony to use in case of catastrophe.
Talarian is willing to do what is necessary for party harmony and good so
if we have to pry an artifact from Fred's dying hands because its the
best thing for the party, then................... Having said that I
don't think leaving it with Fred short term will be an issue and we need
to find out more about it and the "threat" so that we can make a better
party decision. Fred going to the Locatha and putting it back under a
dome for 6 months or so is a good start and will give us time to find out
more about it.
Posted by: Joel
July 25, 2007 12:42 PM
How do we know that the dozen who are in the book weren't imprisoned
because they were so powerful and evil that there was no other way to
deal with them - search the Telvar history for "hideous [and] trapped
[and] evil." It's a running theme - we've even done it with the Kraken
How do we know that the good who are in the book didn't go willingly as a
type of immortality. I think this is not a cut and dried situation, but
one that must be handled carefully. If we can't find out information from
the people in the book and KNOW that they are telling the truth, we are
randomly dicing with death if we release any of them.
Posted by: Joel
July 25, 2007 12:43 PM
Goin' down.... in a blaze of glory!
I think we could take 'em and rid Telvar of the worst citizen's in
Ok. How about you do a psychic impression on the book cover after we do
the research? Any way we can get a history on who has had the book?
Posted by: Joel
July 25, 2007 01:11 PM
Then you really just want to have a book burning and hope that they don't
all pop out ready to rumble.
Too late, all I'll get now is Kruklek taking a peek. I did one before we
took it from the house and I knew not to touch the pages.
Posted by: Joel
July 25, 2007 01:12 PM
Hey, that might be interesting? Go ahead and burn the book all at once
and let the 12 evil bad guys beat up on one another and then take out the
victor. We could put the book in the arena elevator and burn it. When the
1st guy pops out, the door closes. By the time it gets to the bottom,
we've got alot more and the arena won't reset until everyone is taken
care of. (ok it doesn't work like that but it would be fun if it did).
Posted by: Joel
July 25, 2007 02:42 PM
I was finally able to sign into the comments. The main problem I see with using the blog is that there will be two threads unless Joel keeps both of them in sync.
It seems to me like there are several cool items in the mix and a lot of fairly mundane items. Hopefully we can satisfy The Republic and still keep the cool items for use.
The books are really the main ones I'm interested in, although the healing orb, ring and Last Resort are all interesting, too.
Posted by: Jay
July 30, 2007 03:46 PM
Here's the Treasure list with comments, but the formatting didn't hold.
Fate # “Potions”
Tax 1 3 “Mind Blast Liquor: When you need to forget” – probably wipes out short term memory from the last period of time
(Tax if needed) 1 “Super” Mind Blast Liquor – very dangerous – probably will take out some long term memory, too; partial bottle
Tax 1 (both?) 2 “No More Rowdy” – Potion of Sobriety - cancels the effects of drunkenness
T or T? 1 “No More Rowdy” – didn’t ID separately
Tax 1 2 Potions of Calm – didn’t ID again
Keep 1 Potion of Extra Healing – ID’ed
Keep 1 Porcupine Elixir; Grows 3 ft long barbed spines; protects against close attack
T or T? 1 Stone Like New; Full Tube – didn’t ID again
Keep 1 Half bottle of Anti-Wine Corruption; 4 uses left; unvinegars a bottle of wine – see “Cash”
Keep or Sell 2 Bottle of Ideal Seasoning; each bottle can make a human-year’s worth of food awesome; can use more to make it even better, but you can become addicted or even overdose
Tax 1 Slim Quick – did ID this one
16 Need to tax approx 4; more if lower power ones
Books & “Temporary”
Pref Keep –Tax?? 1 Full of a survey of 20 Smart Evil people; each one gets a page; by looking at the pages, can wrest facts from their minds; 12 full pages - 8 empty
Keep 1 Book of Magical Secrets; read it and gives a First level mage spell slot
Keep 1 Book of Good Deeds - relates to you tales of past good deeds to get XP
Keep 1 Clerical Good Deeds - slightly discharged, may not work
Nice, but ???? 1 Last Resort - pulls up to 200 people to an island paradise one use the activator can let themselves out; for a length of time dependant on the number of people; a few hundred to a few thousand people-days
Tax 1 Staff of Artisan - anyone can use to evoke simple things into existence about 30 charges left
Zeph? 1 Belt of Defense; Charged; 2 charges that grant a segment of near invulnerability each; no way to prevent activation except by not wearing
(Tax if needed) 2 Iron Thread – 100 foot length of very strong iron wire, but can be cut (2 IDs)
9 4 books & 5 others – I’m guessing they’ll want a book and 1 other
Low Tier “Permanent”
Tax 1 +1 Medium Shield
Tax 1 +1 Spear, Type 1
Keep 1 Footman's Flail; +0 / +3 versus Golems
T or T 1 Magical paperweight desk light - calms very light breezes in a 6 ft radius and variable power output
T or T 1 Sandals of Walking - Allow you to ignore terrain effects for long distance travel - sand, snow (if other effects prevent cold effect)
1 Magical Thread Box – preserves cloth, thread and leather within
Keep 1 Magical Embroidery Kit – grants Embr. x1 if no base or 2 bonus prof.
7 Need to tax 2 smaller ones
Mid Tier “Permanent”
Tax? 1 The Gorgeous Blouse – Magically sized Silk Blouse grants +2 Comeliness; 1 day per month; Big cities can still make
Keep 1 Shag – about 250# stone dog – a 40# dog if live, didn’t ID
Keep? 1 Hat of Anonymity - makes you blend in with the crowd
1 Ring of Pleasant Smells - can fight bad smells like Stinking Cloud
1 Carpet of Constriction - needs research for the command word; but virtually indestructable 8x10
1 Carpet of Cleanliness - gathers the dirt under itself from the house; must clean under it periodically
Tax? 1 Dinner bell - creates dinner for up to 20 people once per week - good dinner - fits to number of friendlies
1 Wind Chimes of Home - speed healing, lowers disease, less parasites, must be hung outside, keeps stoop clear; month onset; very loud when unhooked
8 Need to tax 2
High Tier “Permanent”
?? 1 Ring – Continuous piece of Ruby – Highly magical – slightly warm – Arrived at Resort significantly before the statues came to life; Very powerful, appears to have some charm magics; path to the City of Brass; A genie ring of some sort; The land of Kings and Nobles; possibly wishes
Keep 1 OXO - Kirk IDed- This is a holy artifact of Simtam, god of geometry, networks and interconnectedness; Neutral deity; believed to be dead
Tax? 1 Globe of Serenity - cancels out all emotion distorting magics in a 20 foot radius; allows characters to deal with a mental trauma; it is fragile
Tax? 1 Marble Elephant - Figurine of Wondrous Power – Activate once a month or if injured once per year
4 Need to tax one high tier
K 4gp 570 193 gp Orkish plus Ancientish 289 gp + 72 + 16
K 3pp 301 75 pp Orkish plus Ancientish 200 pp +14 +12
Keep 16 16 100 gp garnets (6 others used for collateral)
Tax 4 kgp worth of Jewelry from Sculptress
Tax 2 kgp Platinum and diamond earrings
Keep 3.5 kgp Platinum and diamond ring
Keep 7.5 kgp Platinum, Ruby & Diamond Necklace
K2 T1 3 Small 200 gp gold rings
Keep for sale 1 2% meteorite steel desk – beautifully worked with tracery and an oceanic look – 1kgp tax value
Keep 3 Preserved Ancient Children’s Books – 1 kgp each
Keep for sale 3 Bottles of ruined wine – 20 gp each for taxes
Tax Silver Jewelry from Embroiderer – 3250 gp Total
Silver musical Jewelry box from Embroiderer – need value
Keep 625 Spools of fine thread from Embroiderer – 6520 gp total
Tax 2 Tangles of old Iron Thread – 20 gp now
Tax Brass loom bits – 40gp
Tax 37 Corrosion resistant carpet bands – 185 total value
Tax 100 gp Silver mirror
Tax 250 gp Silver box of 4 or 5 in square w/four square empty crystal vials
Tax 75 gp Large metal box
Tax ~70 Ingots of metals – 2500 gp
“Need Zalk”
2 Cloaked magical books – won’t leave until 2196 won’t be back until forever
“To be recovered”
19 Pieces of pottery
* Magically preserved posters
1 * Singing Parrot
1 * Comfy chair with fiddly knobs
* Preserved food – may be “perfect”
2 (*) Perfect Rat Poison cubes
1 Four foot square embroidery Map of The Resort
1 Marble Slab
4 Cases of Figurines
3 Major Kinetics - Hang in There (Wisdom); The Chaos of Motion (Intelligence); Movement of the Crowd (Charisma) – left there
Smaller Kinetics
Posted by: Jay
July 30, 2007 03:54 PM