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Defenders Adventure #53: Indecision and a New Friend

Party Roster:

Felix, 6th level fighter, 59 hp, played by Alex
Kodo, 5th level woodsman, 59 hp, played by Rob
Balinor, 6th level fighter, 56 hp, played by Joel
Cassian, 6th level cleric, 37 hp, played by Katherine
Morgan, 6th level fighter, 35 hp, played by Alan
Kain, 5th level cleric, 34 hp, played by Jeff
Donald, 6th level mage, 33 hp, NPC
Quentin, 7th level druid, 31 hp, played by Jeremy
Alduin, 6th level thief, 26 hp, played by Vic
??, 1st level illusionist, 5 hp, played byAaron

There wasn’t much “adventuring” this game, but we did create Aaron’s character and run a brief trip to the X in Petethal.

Aaron is returning hopefully with better luck than before, and he has once again created a party member that should nicely fill a niche. He is playing a human illusionist from Koralgesh, who trained under Lambu. He is middle-aged and about 6 feet tall. The character is as yet unnamed, though certain elements have decided on the interim name, “Sunshine Happypants.” I claim no responsibility.

SHP has Light, Wall of Fog, and one other I’ve forgotten (plus Read Illusionist Magic) though we hope to give him some money to acquire more shortly (particularly Phantasmal Force).

He joins the party at Lanthalasa-te, 2179—2180, just after our excursion through the muddy Petethal to the X.

There were no encounters. We tried Kaal Na Ka’s weird magical cloak on the door, but it had no effect. A nice Identify from Donald (which only knocked him out for 24 hours) revealed that the door required a command word. We shrugged and trudged back to Teft.

There will be several quests available in the spring, but during the winter our options were limited:

Go to the Dark Wood. We decided against this.

Capture Antarcus. The hope here is that we are powerful enough to defeat him, but not so powerful that he would run away.

Kill or at least force to leave the area a Sphinx that has been harassing the merchants between Drake and Petethal. The reward would be 5000 gp/ 2000 gp respectively. We hope to do this quest, although the powers of the Sphinx are essentially unknown.

There will not be a game next week or most likely the following one, but eventually, we’ll get to our next quest!



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