Stone Soules Summary XXIII: More Information about Tellah
Some auguries to keep in mind:
To attempt to steal the spell books:
"Vast disappointment will surround any unlikely survivors."
[pretty bummin', I'd say!]
To try to test Tellah's powers with a monster summoning:
"Wounds will be nursed with the small comfort of disturbing answers."
[hmmmm, not exactly making us jump at it]
To try to pick-pocket or remove any of Tellah's rings, etc.:
"Only vast disaster will result."
To try to attack Tellah:
"Partial success could kill thousands of innocents."
Other things of note:
Spells or magical items cannot be used in the library (though latent
protections devices and so on were not prevented, and neither were spells
cast through the open door into the library).
We happened to mention the Tangg-Lord and he said that he "could only aspire
to ever reach such a position." He stated that Tangg-Lord was a proper name
and so we could not find it in the dictionary.
Tellah might have been stated in Xavier's Astrology reading:
"The tall, dark figure will fail to threaten you."
Trying to enter through the basement level would have resulted in:
"Certain disappointment will result."
The front door (before we used the chime):
"Faith in others abilities will rise." (This certainly makes me feel both
that Tellah is much more powerful than I expected)
Baleful is about as smart as dog, and has only the powers we have already
attributed to him. To look on the brightside, Edwin did say that Faranyn
would practically have to be feebleminded and on the brink fo death for
Baleful to take him over. :)
He is not a friend of Tyner.
He has heard of the Codex of Defense but has never seen it (random ?)
One book was found in the tongue of the Yavad, which I believe was something
like dwarven. The Runic I found here is somewhat dialectical.
Tan-El is not his civilization.
Zardos' "Life of Infamy":
Killed, tortured, and maimed many people.
Good clerics went to try to stop his rampage and summoned Devas
to their aid. Zardos killed the devas (ouch!) and made a
headress from their feathers (Alegra would like to smack him for
this, among other much worse things). At the end of the book, the vastly
powerful warrior-champion of the civilization ruled by a council on a
mountain-plateau attempts to stop Zardos. He died fighting Zardos and
Zardos uses the magical sword of the warrior to kill his compatriots. At
the end, Zardos takes the vast magical ring of the warrior and puts it on,
which causes something that results in his imprisonment and capture.
The council then 'addled his powers' greatly. They used much type 5 magic
to hold him to the library. he cannot leave. he cannot remember much of
himself, where he would go if he were free for instance. He does not deny
the facts of "A life of infamy," only the stated reasons for Zardos'
actions. [We didn't get a lot of his reasons on the original flip-through,
though more information is still avaible to get as we ended the adventure in
the library]
Tellah will attempt to restrain, and then destroy anything that violates his
conditions. But he cannot ever leave the library, so he cannot be drawn
He has black, dark hair, grey, pitted, not-quite-rotting looking skin, and
uniform blue eyes. No white no anything different in them.
He considers himself to be a "greatly crippled human."
He is 7 feet tall.
The binding facilities in the basement are not functioning (no visitors are
allowed in the basement!), due to some external problem (like SMART took the
battery for instance). The only golems in the library are in the bindery.
They have not worked in a long time, though Tellah seems unable to
distinguish much about time.
An attempt to enter one of Star's poems into the collection required the
approval of the "proper authorities," who are all dead probably.
>The name change is obvious, he is a new person now. With the powerful
>magic on him, he has to be Tellah the librarian, instead of Zardis the
>destroyer of worlds.
It is worth noting that the Council did give him his new name.
The Council has also changing in number and power over years.
Beck had some of the following info (which would have been useful
beforehand but somehow it slipped all of our minds that night):
Zardos was captured using the ring of the great warrior (as mentioned
before): it was a +6 ring of protection that had masked in its power a
spell that would addle/imprison the wearer that consumed the +6 ring as
its material component.
The people who captured him thought that to waste his mind by killing him
or putting him in a hole in the ground was criminal and so he was instead
chained to the library. He was considered to be one of the greatest minds
of his generation. But, actually, he couldn't be killed anyway...
The Council had determined that he could not be killed and was in fact
almost totally invulnerable to physical and magical attacks of all kinds.
This is why they needed to make an item that he would voluntarily accept.
The reason he was invulnerable/immortal was because he was "sponsored"
more or less by the evil deity who shall remain nameless because it is
dangerous to speak his name. Whether this is a devil or demon is also not
clear. Until that "sponsorship" was removed he would be totally invulnerable.
The Council had the power to demand answers of all kinds from him but this
was dangerous as he then could retain cognition of said things
potentially. (i.e. "How do you cast lightning bolt?" "ZAP!")
Others merely had the authorized answers of the Council.
Whether the sponsorship has been removed is not clear. However,
Zardos/Tellah IS still alive. Whether this is due to the holding magic or
the original effect is not clear.
All of the jewelry on Tellah's person is part of the enchantment: DO NOT
REMOVE! However, he has one item not mentioned in the sources: The key
to the front door. This item cannot be removed. "It is [his] charge to
retain possession of the key."
There may be more but this is all I can remember at the moment...
I agree that dealing with Zardos at this point is futile.
However, we can still come up with questions to ask him and things to try
over the week, if folks get bright ideas over the week.