Stone Soules Summary VIII: Death and Taxes
The scores on this week's game:
Little People 5
Lesser Ones 0
(some unspecified number were still left even after they killed 'em)
Stone Soules 2
Little People 4
(that is, taxes:
we did taxes without identifying the items. The LP took the magic arrows
as a lot as their choice and our second choice got a magic scimitar; we
also got a potion but they got a magic long sword and a token and potion
Note that previously we traded our +3 SMALL shield to the LP for +1 Long
sword for Ceydric and +1 Chain for Cassana)
Little People 0
Faranyn 1
(the Scimitar turned out to be a +2 Intelligent Scimitar that strikes fear
into the hearts of your enemies, written in Archaeic, this Neutral Good
sword's name is Baneful)
Bugbears 0
Stone Soules 5 or so
Owl Bear 0
Stone Soules 1
(over 500 HP and 11 wounds later....)