Stone Soules Summary VII: A preliminary response
This is a preliminary to any larger summary we put out, just to let the
people not at Cornell have a good quick idea of what happened.
We set up an ambush for the marauders tha proved completely successful.
We then came up with a further idea and demanded in a message that they do
not raid on any human settlements in the area. The next night they stole
some pigs. We then responded in kind with an Eli/Dari attack based on the
old "Invisiblity/Call Lightning scheme" that completely decimated the
marauders at their camp in siege at the Fire Giant city. The marauders
thought the attack on them came from the city and they tried to attack it,
and the Fire Giants from the city came out and stomped them. We then sent
the Fire Giant city Bardic Mail claiming responsibility for the attack. The
cavaliers hoped that they would be owed a debt of honor, but they said that
they were grateful, but refused to owe a debt of honor to lesser beings and
so sent us 5,000 giantish gold as "mercenary pay" instead.
This allowed us to train more (=10,000 human gold).
The Little People arrived in Middle (halfling heroes from Petethal) seeking
to fight back the lesser ones, based on reports of increased activity in
human areas by the lesser ones on pressure from Horan (the same guy that
SMART was interested in). Apparently the normal GO ("Abominations") take no
interest in human affairs but Horan is proactive and seeks to disrupt human
society. These Lawful Good adventurers are here to gather information in an
attempt to hunt down and slay Horan.
[And the highlight of the entire evening was the Fire Giant ambush, in which
a cavalry charge was an integral part. After dodging numerous cows and
speeding up to reach the giants and ogres before they got away, Henry and
Ceydric had an interesting experience.
Henry tried to attack an ogre or giant, I don't remember which, and fumbled.
He fumbled his lance and got it stuck in the ground. This caused him to be
propelled forward, off his horse, while breaking his lance and smashing into
Ceydric. Ceydric was unseated from his horse and both Henry and Ceydric lay
stunned on the ground for 3 segments. From this whole action, the giant got
a free attack against Henry but chose instead to run for the hills.
Though no damage resulted to either of them, the terminal embarrassment of
being taken out of an important part of the combat has made Henry blush
since the stories first telling...]