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Stone Soules Summary I: An adventure in Tan-El, Before the Great Ones

[note that summaries are hereafter numbered according to their order from the beginning of the great SSOULES listserv, though there are obviously many adventures that occurred before the listserv, given previously and in the old Stone Soules "logs". --Kyle]

August 9th: (cont'd) We went to the Temple of Kor in Tan-El.
Letier observed that the South and West windows were still
intact, a fact he was not expecting after 3500 years.
We discusses plans for their recovery but agreed that since this
was the best place to cast divination from, the Temple could not
yet be decommisioned. Letier cast a ceremony to look at the Scroll
Library, which had been removed safely, showing that the
inhabitants had left relatively slowly, since they had time to
remove it. 2 pock-marked metal boxes were removed.
We travelled until nightfall to reach Middle, so we could sleep in
our beds once again.
10th: Copper coins inside boxes bore this legend: "Tan-El
(symbol of the city)
Hail Khahoatep"
We agreed to purchase the coins for their possible
interest. Scrying revealed bugbears in nice armor
('Spawn servants) in the Theatre. We looked in the next
couple of days to see the door we had entered through to
get to the Theatre in our ambush was boarded up crudely. I
took a sketch of the board placement.
We sent Eli & company (with Star) to Bec the sage in End.
Eli purchased _Feather Fall_.


13th: Bec gives us info. on Castle:
It was built to appear like a living space inside but
actually be a castle; that is, you could go into the castle
without entering the military parts of it. Greatly altered
by Khahoatep but no idea what modifications were made.
Records of a building company revealed work for the
Government for some building materials. Strange "holding
cells" were built involving "distilled water and great panes
of glass." To do with electricity? There was an effort to
interconnect defensive locations in it -- magical or
mechanical? -- except the Tunnel isolated completely. It
was some sort tunnel involved with Government to the north.
The sections of the castle were divided -- the "Citadel" (?)
could be separated from other parts of the castle as a last
defensible location.
Dungeons/prisons under Castle -- main prison for Tan-El.
Lots of supplies were hidden there. Unclear as to whether
water system was connected. The castle worried about people
on foot, but seemed unconcerned about scaling -- "shoot
attackers out of the air with impunity." Constabulatory
system was probably not connected. The Castle was known as
Bah Nareth (BN).
14th: To Middle. Norm and Dari finish up window frame removal
15th: 1,500 fire giant gold for _Divination_ and the potion of
Amphibian Control to Letier as recompense.
To Base Camp.
16th: DW head out. Cassana --> Behir last left the city.
(about the castle)
both sets of creatures are vastly powerful
very rich treasure is present
chances of arousing forces of Chaotic Evil and DEMONS are
moderate; chances of lawful evil forces being aroused are
moderate to high.

Dari executes the window removal plan, but some ropes slip
and Norm did not look happy. Eli's _Feather Fall_ backup,
though, made the removal easy. We loaded the wagons and
headed on. A couple of well armored bugbears ('Spawnbears)
ambushed us at the Archway out of the city. I _Command_ed
one of them out of commision and Xavier emulated my bugbear
words and got the second one. Duke Charles and Cassana,
along with arrows from Cantstin took out the remaining one
easily. Some gold was recovered and the crossbow-shot Mule
#1 was slow-poisoned by me before he (potentially)
collapsed. Dari later neutralized any poison present.

_Commune_ at that night, at the Auroran temple.

1. Are there more than three GO in Tan-EL? NO
2. Are there two GO in Tan-EL? NO
3. Are there three GO in Tan-EL? YES
4. Are all the GO located in the Keep?(slight pause) YES
5. Are the GO harmed by non-magical weapons? YES
6. Do the forces of Chaotic evil in the castle largely
consist of the GO? YES
7. Do the forces of Lawful evil in the castle largely
consist of the Behir? NO
8. Do the GO expect the Behir to come to their aid?
(pause) NO
9. Do the GO support each other in combat? (pause) NO
10. Do the forces of Lawful Evil in the castle largly
consist of the mites? NO

--Alegra Falconer


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