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Stone Soules Summary: Alegra's Letter to Gram

[This message contains materials mailed 4 August 2173, Middle. The date of arrival at the New World Repository and subsequent forwarding or pickup will be decided by Edwin. --Kyle]

Dear friend, 4 August 2173

Less than a week after your departure from Middle-of-the-Road, several new adventurers came to the area seeking help in exploring the ruined city of Tan-El and we agreed to take them on as helpers and fellow adventurers for a trial period. Perhaps you remember the exploration of Tyner's tower and the very interesting things that were encountered there. We decided that there were loose ends that needed to be tied up, and for that reason we entered the city.

Foremost on my mind, was the fact that the high-magic stain on the rug had in fact never been analyzed to make a determination of its contents -- or whether it had in fact dripped through the ceiling!! We crept into the city with our new comrades, and convinced the doorknob once again to let us in. After various explorations my concerns panned out. Indeed, the black stain originated from the inaccessible floor above us. The addition of a continual light bead to the floor above through means of Ludo's great dexterity proved the existence of a room above but little else, other than that a space below the stairs above was where it originated from. After no secret doors were revealed, we thought maybe it might be machinery leaking or whatever, and took a sample for the alchemist to examine. He determined that it was the pure essence of a being of "vast evil" contained in some sort of tar or paste. We have not determined further what it may be, since our time has been limited in other ways.

Among the greatest of our time constraints (and our dangers), was a surprising incident involving bugbears. Full body-armored bugbears tried to bluff us in the city (only Nym's astute knowledge of bugbear determined this -- and she passes on her love and greetings). They trailed us, and we continued haughtily thinking that as long as were aware we could not be hurt by bugbears. Near, the library, Star was turned into a snake immediately, and a fireball-throwing invisible creature attacked us even as Theo was felled by _poisoned_ bugbear crossbow bolts. Despite this, several convincing attacks by an auroran cleric and a gnomish illusionist joining our ranks confused them so we could lead an orderly escape. Despite his obvious reservations, Faranyn bravely led us through alleys to the escape. As our normal measures proved ineffective on their turf, with their planning, the presumed demonspawn were blanketed, along with their bugbears, in a huge zone of destructive insects that I called upon to destroy the enemies of Phaulkon and the Stone Soules. Our retreat covered, we headed to Middle to ponder the situation.

Unfortunately, our bugbear allies in the city had been badly damaged by the demonspawn's attacks on them and despite attempts to organize to stop them, the bugbears have considered leaving Tan-El forever based on these recent attacks. And several days ago, after learning that the 'spawn had left the city, indeed, they infiltrated Middle.

One particularly human-like woman walked in through the front gate, and tried to capture and polymorph Ludo as he crept about spying on any suspicious figures himself. Ludo was slippery, though, and the 'spawn was killed by the police force of Middle, with Ludo's help and wits.

I am writing to tell you that the demonspawn are a significant and direct threat to Middle. In consultation with the party, and through the indirect suggestions of the high priest of kor and entourage, we have decided that more and more concentrated attacks (ala SMART) cannot be allowed, and the Great Ones (more than one, less than six, largely magically immune giant, intelligent, very, very, slightly human-like, snakes in the castle of Tan-El) must be vanquished for Middle and nearby civilization to be saved.

I am concerned that this may prove a hard step for the Stone Soules, perhaps resulting in more harm than good, but I cannot help but accept the logic of our goal. We hope and pray to prevent any destruction of all we have worked for, but we cannot know how some situations will turn out. I am hoping that this letter finds you well; Hawk is doing wonderfully under his new mistress. Star sends his greetings, as does Aria.

If the news of any evil premonitions from Middle reaches you, I pray that we have managed to by-then overcome them. If not, my friend, I pray that your own skill may be brought to bear in securing the knowledge of others in the dangers found here, and that indeed, the land may not be abandoned, but that people will thrive and push the evil ones away and into the vast abyss. The thought of my own fate does not scare me, merely, that others may know, and come, and hold back the evil, should our memory pass from the world in the Truth of Phaulkon's Flight.

I will not however leave this letter on a melancholy note. Other than these events, the promise of this new world of Middle has been fantastic. I wish I could say the conversions had been greater, but Phaulkon's Plan works in mysterious ways. Send me a letter whence you read this leaf, and let me know how your goals proceed. I am praying for you as the creed of the Golden Plume begins...

"Let the Plan of Phaulkon work through me,
through the light, through the darkness,
through the bright sunshine and warm breezes;
Let the moist wind that finds me,
lift me higher to the tears and laughter of the one."

Alegra Falconer

[Star has scrawled here: "I am working on some further poetry on theological issues. Perhaps you would be interested in reading them? _Star_"]



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