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August 22, 2005

BLADES: Session #53

Character Race & Class Level HP AC Player Creator
Raybur Sidebottom Dwarven Fighter/Cleric 5/5 45 (-7) -3/0/2 Dean Joel
Phyllis Sidebottom Dwarven Fighter 7 47 -5/-5 Katherine Katherine
Effrede George Half Elven Magic User/Thief 5/6 31 2/5 Katherine Katherine
Talarian Blackguard Orkish Fighter 7 66 (-7) -6/-1 Dean Dean
Conrhia Applewhite Half Elven Woodsman 6 59 -4/-3/1 Lt. Rhonda Rhonda
Serlisse Reintar Half Elven Druid 6 30 4/4 Rhonda Rhonda
Sputnik Half Elven Cleric 7 49(59) 2/4/4 Jay Jay
Arthur of Petethal Half Elven Ranger 6 53 1/1/3 Hvy Bjorlin Bjorlin
Zephram Trent Hill Gnome Fighter/Illusionist 5/4 38 (-5) -3/-2/2(0) 2/3/7 Alan Alan
Shirlard Half Orkish Fighter 3 27 4/4 Darleen Darleen

Marn Orkish Fighter 6 2/4 Rodger NPC
Farwater Locatha Fighter Edwin NPC
All of Loba Mix Edwin NPCs

December 19, 2191

We land very close to the Ancients’ city that Loba is living in. When we open the door with ease (using our new talent), we trigger a flame signal and we have Zephram send up a Phantasmal signal to say the BLADES have come to the rescue.
Loba has found m

any things in the city and they have a vault that they have determined cannot be opened except by a cleric of a Chaotic religion, so they ask if Sputnik is willing to take the risk. He decides that it is worth the risk to try to get more resources for the coming fight, so he sticks his face into the impression on the door and it opens to reveal a small treasury.
Hanging inside are a pair of suits of armor with maces, a blob of mitril and a medallion that pulses. Loba tells us that they have found a device that can identify one item per week, so we try to get the weirdest item checked. David goes up and lays the lump of mithril in the palms of a large pair of hands which turns the items over and over and then it reveals that it is the Icon of All Avatars and it needs a cleric to activate it.
We gather Loba’s gear and head back to the ship to continue our journey and have Dr. Schnelp identify the other items. The maces are a horseman’s and a footman’s mace. They are +1 maces with a one shot undead disruption effect. They lose all enchantment after activation. The Medallion of Reckoning is a one shot item that smites all evil in a large radius. This, too, is a clerical device. The armor is Ancients’ armor which is made of the same brown metallic cloth of which the sail on our dream ship was made. It has small scales of metal attached to it. It is AC/AT 3 armor with a 9” movement rate. They are sized for an Ancient, so it is too small for anyone but a gnome on whom it would be too large.
Loba is now made up of the following – Mage David, Woodsman Phil, Fighter Mark, Thieves Vince & Leanne, Kalid & Omar are lt crossbow spec from WFC, and Pru is a Druid.

December 27, 2191
The Overlords’ city sits on a promontory with a river flowing down from the Highlands. There is a pond with a couple of overflows. The main entrance is by the pond. There are rubble docks that are newly built from the city. The colony’s ship and a junk are docked. There are half a dozen goblins standing guard on the walls and armed orcs working around the junk. These are probably the enslaved ones that crewed the junk. We would need to Dispel the Charm, but it may be tough to do.
We use two Airy Water torches to decent to the bottom. At the bottom we notice a metal object with blue corrosion inside the coral. It is about forty feet long. It was on the doors of an ancient Kraken fortress.
It takes three tries (Raybur and Arthur) and Sputnik opens the outer door. When Raybur closes the outer door there is a rumbling and the water becomes cloudy. We feel curiously heavy and then the water level starts dropping. There are tiny holes in the floor that close as the last of the water drains away. The inner door opens shortly thereafter and reveals a storage room. The walls and floor are magical. There are Ancients’ weapons here. There are 9 light underwater magazine crossbows here; 3 are magical. There are 2 chests and one coffer. There are 2 dozen magic magazines that appear to be no special effects. There are 4 magic belts. The coffer holds 20 magic rings.
There is a secret door on the other side of the room. As Arthur turns the wheel, nothing seems to happen, except a counter weight may be being set. When we trip the door, the five foot thick door draws back toward us and then slides aside. We have one minute to get through the door.
When the statues crumble they leave behind dust and a large ruby each. We drop those into the incense’s box.
We lay a trap and wait. We then decide to pop the door and inside the room, there are five big and scary figures and 6 familiar ones. There appear to be three minions and the overlords and six of our hobgoblins are sweating over the rubble pile. One of the overlords is the shadowy one. The other one has a massive bow and nine foot katana in one hand, wearing plate mail and a gray cloak.

Segment 1 lots of spells and a few held shots go off.
Segment 2 Fire Storm comes at us and hits everyone. An Ice Storm comes at us that hits only a few of us. Talarian gets enslaved.
Segment 3 Hobgoblins draw weapons and a Fireball goes off dropping the Shadowy Overlord. Talarian is released.
Segment 4 Marn coup de graces the Shadowy one. Sputnik frees the Hobgoblins and then Raybur activates the Amulet and all but the Invincible Overlord dies immediately. David finishes with his Prismatic spray. The Overlord takes a bunch of damage, but is still up.
Segment 5 We charge and IO knocks Talarian out of the air. At the end of 5 a wizened old elf appears beside Sputnik. (The Implore was successful.)
Segment 6 Phyllis scores a vicious hit on him with Severance.
Segment 7 Lots of stuff continues to happen including he misses Phyllis and she hits him. The elf Slows the Overlord.
Segment 8 The Loba thieves fail to hit on their backstabs. Lots more damage is inflicted.
He falls dead.

A huge melee is happening outside when all of the Charms fail. When we regroup the colony we find out the following:
The ship was attacked the night before they were to land, all the powerful people said stay below and when the scrubs ventured onto deck all the crew and Myna had disappeared.
Kirk, Blund, Dirk, Pointer, Fada, The Box, Werner, three of the Wilbar’s people, the Chelsean cleric and Enya are all at the temple. Also eleven of the non-combatant people of the colony survived. A random number of people are amongst the prisoners at the Ancient’s city.
All eight elves survived their raids. They drew two Minions off. The people that are totally missing are The Captain, Myna and Ford, the boson and a non-Class adventuring party. The twins are in the Ancients’ city slave camp.

January 7, 2192
Twelve days later, Bergan arrives.

The Shadowy one was The Overlord of Beasts had a 1 turn a week/ +5 Ring of Protection. There was a +3 Ring of Protection. The 20 rings are Rings of Water Breathing with the restriction that you must breathe air once per year or lose the ability to breathe air. The Belts prevent Water Crushing damage. We have a +1 Long Sword/ +2 (?) for Paladins and (or) Clerics of Chelsean. There are giant sized items like a 9 foot Katana that hoses your mental abilities, is Intelligent and Evil, it is very interesting and twisted. They all had huge armors. They had a bug shield that can be +1 for frontal only or regular for all directions (it counts as bracers). There is a spell reflection device that allows you to choose to fail your save, take some damage and reflect the spell. We aren’t sure if that is against targeted or also against area of effects. We also found the spell text for making the canisters for the automatic crossbows (one is the new ballista in the Halls of Memory and we have several underwater versions from the storeroom).
Lots more treasure, too. In short next session will be treasure division and reorganizing the government and plot our next move (probably looking for the Captain and Myna, etc.)

August 19, 2005

BLADES: Session #52

Character Race & Class Level HP AC Player Creator
Raybur Sidebottom Dwarven Fighter/Cleric 5/5 45 (-7) -3/0/2 Dean Joel
Phyllis Sidebottom Dwarven Fighter 7 47(57) -3/-3 Katherine Katherine
Effrede George Half Elven Magic User/Thief 5/6 31 2/5 Katherine Katherine
Talarian Blackguard Orkish Fighter 7 66 (-6) -5/0 Dean Dean
Conrhia Applewhite Half Elven Woodsman 6 59 -4/-3/1 Lt. Rhonda Rhonda
Serlisse Reintar Half Elven Druid 6 30 4/4 Rhonda Rhonda
Sputnik Half Elven Cleric 7 49 2/4/4 Jay Jay
Arthur of Petethal Half Elven Ranger 6 53 1/1/3 Hvy Bjorlin Bjorlin
Zephram Trent Hill Gnome Fighter/Illusionist 5/4 38 (-5) -3/-2/2(0) 2/3/7 Alan Alan
Shirlard Half Orkish Fighter 3 27 4/4 Darleen Darleen

December 7, 2191
We arrive at the Locatha. Farwater is willing to join us. There is a pool in the far end of the city. Going into the dream pool involves fiendish transformations and puzzles. It is different each time. The high priest relates that he became a squirrel with a nut moving puzzle that had a bird that only ate odd numbers of objects.
We paid 5000 gp to go into the pool. Forces of Osperem (barracuda symbol) are in two places. To the east, they still see Blund flickering in and out on the land. The one to the south also keeps sporadically appearing. There has been a noticeable decrease in Druidical power to the east. Loba and Bergen seems to still be hiding and about 60 days ago the Overlord power increased.

December 8, 2191
Fred, Sputnik, Zephram, Raybur, Arthur and Serlisse step in the 18” x 15’ around pool. The Locatha live next door to the Ancients’ city. There is a domed chamber with a mirrored ceiling with a ring of the white stone around the silvery fluid. We are below sea level but the area is not filled with water. Suddenly we are standing on a green wooden deck of a fast moving ship. There is a brown slightly metallic looking sail with a stiff breeze. This is brief and then the boat hits an invisible wall. We become a glass sphere 9” in diameter. We are colorless, but glow slightly. We are in a roughly round chamber (decagon) with a dark 2’ multi-faceted orb (a few hundred) in the center. Every other spot has a non-glowing sphere, the alternate ones have torches. The torches are red, yellow, green, blue and violet clockwise around the room. We see in all directions and can crudely vibrate somewhat like the rock people to communicate. The floor is flat and the ceiling is vaulted to almost 10 feet. Arthur goes to the middle of the room and we check out the torches and then the orbs. The torches appear to perhaps be removable, but we would have to be in contact with the flames. The orbs are half in the wall with a
Raybur goes into the red flame and absorbs it and cracks and he seems to be likely to break if he does it three more times. He feels relieved and the wall sphere cracks. We each transfer a
Then we become a group of mushrooms. There are distinctive cracks in the walls. We are approximately 4 feet tall. It is a 10’ x 20’ room. We can hop about. We have to slide blocks around. After a while a cricket appears and starts munching on Arthur
Raybur, Zephram and Serlisse are all lighted candlesticks. There is a bed with a pile of small stuffed animals. There is a table in a limitless garden with the other three as candlesticks. There is a direly ill, female, humanoid child in the bed sweating profusely. The window and door are closed. We have about thirty minutes before we burn out. Once again we can hop extremely short distances. On both tables there is a flint and steel. It looks as if someone fell on the flint and steel another could be relit. If someone falls over, then someone else could help restand the fallen, but might flip the fallen off the table. There is a fountain near the outdoor table. We cannot hear anything, but can communicate telepathically. There are drapes inside and shutters outside. Raybur falls over intentionally and looks over the edge of the table. The girl is covered with weeping sores. There is no hope to get back on the tables if we fall off. When the candles inside go out, she declines in health. As the ones outside go out, she suffers more. We decide to get the three interior candles outside and lit to let her go peacefully. The inside candles light the drapes on fire and a woman comes to extinguish the flames and she leaves the windows open.
We are blown back to the ship and it is moving extremely fast and we can see an ancient immense metropolis. It is in flames and we can see fighting. Sections of the city are disappearing as a Kraken is dragging parts of it in. Grappling hooks hold us and the sehaugin smash into the side of the ship and start looting the ship. We try to leave the ship on the liferaft, but we have the feeling that we have forgotten something. We check the captain’s cabin and find three books. One is marked Open, one is the Captain’s Log and one is a Personal Diary. We vote 3 to 1 to 1 for the Open and Captain’s Log. We gain knowledge of how to open the outer doors and a Sailing proficiency.

2,250 gp for 3 javelins of lightning
100 gp for underwater crossbow
8,500 gp Invisibility, Fly, Fire Resistance, Heroism, Healing
20 gp Big Ole’ Sledgehammer
10,850 gp total to the locatha


We land very close to the Ancients’ city that Loba is living in.

A pair of suits of armor with maces, a blob of mitril and a medallion that pulses hang in the treasury.
The mithril is the Icon of All Avatars which seems to need a cleric to activate.
The maces can be activated once and they totally hose an undead monster. They are horseman’s and footman’s maces that are each +1 until activated.
The medallion is a one shot that smites all evil in a large radius. Clerical device