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June 29, 2000

The Almost Complete Defenders History-In-Brief


The Adventures are Divided:

I. Bandits and Early Flailing About on Lendore
II. Abbey Isle
III. The Mystery of Captain Nbod
IV. Return to Abbey Isle
V. Burrow Worms
VI. Hafney Hill and the Seapoint Lightning
VII. The Fall of Garroten
VIII. Treasure in the Sarkian Wilderness
IX. Ruins in the Northern Swamp
X. Goblin Island
XI. Trek in Petethal, Lord of Pondscum
XII. Orc Island
XIII. Fifteen Ogres and a Fire Giant
XIV. Dancing Fairy Creature
XV. Revenge of Traywick
XVI. Mini Missions
XVII. Castle of Diamond
XVIII. The Hand of Hindus and the Queen of Grottoes
XIX. The Grandfather Attack
XX. Under the Abbey
XXI. The Second Clearing of Hafney Hill
XXII. Bone Hill
XXIII. Demons in Trun
XXIV. Mini Missions II
XXV. Felix, King of the Dwarves
XXVI. The Raid of the Orc Island
XXVII. Raiders of the Lost Orc
XXVIII. Killing the Wisp, Routing the Gnolls, Getting Trashed
XXIX. Revenge of the Grey Philosopher
XXX. The Horn of Iguilve

The Defenders met on March 15, 2172, in the Teft Blue Star Inn.

Set sail for Lendore Isle. Arrive in Barnacus. Set out on tour of the isle.

Leaving Barnacus the Defenders defeat a group of bandits.

Arrive in Garroten and talk to Lord Mayor. Set out for Dead Wood.

Kill stirges and a giant centipede.

Kill a locust.

Enter Dead Wood by side path. A skeleton is killed, and the Defenders find a 3% mithril dagger.

A giant spider nearly kills the entire party. Grison drives it off. The Defenders leave.

Arrive in Restenford. Set out to hunt bandits.

Annwvyn is killed by fungus beetles. They get away with his body.

Defenders kill a bandit group led by a wereboar. Acquire magic short sword. Find cursed (?) dwarven battleaxe.

Morgan and Ethan join the party in April.

Kill a large squad of bandits, and a bandit leader is captured.

Ambushed by main bandit force of the Green Diamond. A bandit cleric in full plate is killed. Ethan, Soldan, and Grison are slain. The Green Diamond's fortress is taken and the merchant Thaddius is rescued.

Darellon scares off a bunch of elves while returning from the fortress.

Baron Grellus rewards the Defenders, as does Thaddius. Quentin and Drew recover in Restenford. The party builds a house near Peltar's place. Actual wealth gained.

In July, Celeste joins the party and buys a log. Felix joins the party and is given the magic short sword. The Defenders set out to track for more bandits at the fortress.

Encounter trio of people, who run away when Darellon greets them.

Ogres attack at night. Darellon and Celeste are killed, though the ogres are slain.

Giant rats are killed and driven off with torches by Morgan and Felix.

A trio of bandits robs the party of 200 gp and the magic short sword.

Stumble back into Restenford and recover at home.

Set out for Benct.

Tricked into a assassination attempt by the Green Diamond remnants on the road. Slay assassin, get magic items.

Arrive in Benct in August-- Tyveris and Gaston join the party. Shop around. Return to Restenford after refusing offer of a haunted room at inn.

Quentin and Morgan train (to 2nd level) in Restenford. Accept mission to Abbey Isle.

Land on beach at Abbey Isle in October. Fight off skeletons, but are forced to withdraw due to injuries.

Huge sea monster attacks the Eagle 13 while sailing back to Restenford. Driven off.

Drew trains to 2nd level. Heal injuries over rainy season in Restenford.

2173 begins.

Return to Abbey Isle in March. Land on beach, fight through skeletons. Are captured by Ozymandius, cleric of Hindus. Tyveris is released for ransom. Others escape with Odeon's help. Kill spiny beast. Gaston is badly injured.

Sail to Teft for healing. Quentin remains to help druids there. Rest of party returns to Abbey Isle.

Land on beach with 8 marines and Major Ursa. Bribe Bayleaf (elven fighter/mage) to betray Ozymandius and company. Sends scouts to us to get captured. During the night, Ozymandius and two clerics make a break for it, but are dashed against the rocks.

Rewarded by Petethalian navy and taken back to Restenford.

Felix and Tyveris train to 2nd level. Gaston retires as a dog trainer for the Baron, due to massive injury.

Colin joins the party. Defenders head back to Green Diamond fortress.

Driven away by a will'o'wisp. Morgan takes heavy injuries, and Colin retires due to deafness.

Head to Benct in July. Accept mission from Nevronian Church to clear out haunted room in the inn.

Perry joins the party.

Conduct massive investigation, and eventually capture the fake ghost, Zune Quog. Take his items. Find treasure map of Captain Nbod in room. Find Leviathan, an evil relic dagger with a Kraken intelligence in it.

Morgan is thrown into the portal in the room and left on Moon Isle atoll. Defenders follow two days later. Meet headhunters. Rescue Morgan and test dagger. Sea witch Brinea sends the Lurker in the Shallows to kill us.

We run underwater to make suicide attack on Brinea, leaving Morgan in a shed.

Kill two harpies. Heal up.

Attack Brinea-- everyone is killed: Felix, Tyveris, Quentin, Drew, Perry, and Brinea.

Hand of Fate (Nevronian party) enters portal and rescues Morgan. Find our bodies and Raise all but Tyveris. They keep Nbod's powerful scimitar.

Tyveris is buried.

2174 begins.

Quentin trains to 3rd and 4th level. Felix trains to 3rd and 4th level. Morgan trains to 3rd and 4th level. Perry trains to 2nd, 3rd, and 4th level in Koralgesh. Drew trains to 3rd level.

Balinor (2nd level) and Cassian (1st level) join the party.

Party heads to clear out Abbey Isle's traps. Balinor kills three golems, and is level drained by a wight. Perry disarms many traps. Felix is crushed under a door, but lives.

Big treasure is recovered. Petethalian navy congratulates us.

Return to Restenford. Balinor trains to 2nd and 3rd level. Cassian trains to 2nd and 3rd level. Drew trains to 4th level. Perry spies on the bait dealer in town. Suspicious.

Kill three burrow worms for druid Almax.

Perry trains to 5th level in Koralgesh.

Donald Collins joins the party. Join with remnants of Sam'n'Friends (Hecht, Kerr, and Auburn) to take back Hafney Hill.

Drive off a burrow worm, arrive at Hafney Hill. Quentin blasts three halflings. Cassian kills one with a Dust Devil. Go through secret entrance. Balinor and Felix fight off two wraiths, and Balinor avoids being level drained. One was once Larry, a halfling member of Sam'n'Friends.

Unfortunately, the halflings had escaped into the wilderness. The party loots the place and carts the stuff back to Restenford, through a hurricane at one point.

2175 begins.

Upon arrival in Restenford, the Defenders trade with Baron Grellus for credit and salvage tax exemptions. Perry continues spying on the bait dealer. Capture encoded message.

Quentin trains to 5th level. Cassian trains to 4th level.

Baron Grellus disappears during the night and possibly dead. Party heads to Garroten to find his body in time for Raise Dead. Talks to key people in town, uncovers the assassins' guild. Discover that the Baron's body is in the Lord Mayor's castle. In one brutal night, the Defenders wipe out the entire guild and capture the castle. The Baron is Raised and recovers while Duke Haermond of Barnacus sorts things out. The Defenders are given their pick of the town's treasure and sent back to Restenford. The Lord Mayor is executed. The Abbot of the Phaulkonian Church in Restenford commits suicide for his part in the affair. Cassian temporarily runs the church while waiting for replacements from Teft.

The message is decoded, and the bait shop owner is merely a spy from Benct.

Party returns to Restenford and Barnacus for training. Felix trains to 5th level. Morgan trains to 5th level. Balinor trains to 4th level. Cassian trains to 5th level. Quentin trains to 6th level. Perry trains to 6th level in Koralgesh. Donald trains to 2nd and 3rd level under Wicker.

Perry and Drew leave Defenders on good terms. Perry goes to Koralgesh, and Drew retires to Restenford.

Party is given a treasure map by Baron Grellus. Travel to Port'o'Carse and investigate area. Kodo, Narahn, Lynore, and Alduin join the party.

Travel to Tulan-of-the-Isles, resist temptation to buy quality weapons. Will get them upon return. Set out in October for destination on treasure map.

Head south of Sark's northern border. Kill a hill giant. Chased by weird illusionist.

Discover ruined village. Old man warns us to leave. Claims a sphinx is harrassing the party.

Mules are assassinated.

Party kills huge group of disgustingly powerful bandits. Lynore is slain on a scouting mission prior to the attack.

Scout out bandit hideout-- being used as a base of operations by four people. Leader and assassin friend escape us. They had hired a group of miners to dig out an ancient dwarven treasure in this underground fortress. Unsuccessful, and we slew most of the guards. The remainder escaped after giving Defenders information.

Party nearly loses magic items to a group of weird darkness/ magical beings the size of halflings. The things return what they stole and we leave them alone.

Felix finds secret door while Waterwalking. Opens it.

Defenders explore area, and find magic door with lightning trap. Try to open it. Unsuccessful for a week.

Finally figure out how to open door. Attacked by weird wraith/guardian thing. Kill it with silver weapons only. Tunnel opens.

Spend a week doing tests with other side of tunnel. Send in expedition-- Balinor, Cassian, Donald, Morgan, and Alduin.

Trapped inside, they are forced to fight a black pudding. Balinor is killed, but the pudding is defeated with soap and torches.

Balinor is raised by scroll. Discover nice treasure hoard. Travel to nearby Canterbury in Sark, negotiate with leader there. Head back to Lendore at the end of November.

Balinor trains to 5th level. Narahn trains to 2nd level. Kodo trains to 2nd level.

Donald's deafness is cured by an Elixir of Health!

2176 begins.

Alduin and Donald head off Lendore for training. Alduin trains to 2nd and 3rd level. Donald trains to 4th level.

The party receives mithril and adamantite from Relkin (from the genie bottle). Head to Carse and Tulan to trade away mithril for nice magic items, and store adamantite for later. Haladir joins the party.

The Defenders research Khargish ruins on the north end of Lendore, and then head out there.

Travel up to Rog, kill 2 volts. Travel through Argo Forest into swamp. Kill big lizard (30' long). Kill sentient lizardman (12' tall), though Balinor is nearly killed. Thick mist in swamp reduces visibility greatly.

Talk to wildlife, try to negotiate with evil stork people in the area. Bargain for safe passage in, though it seems unlikely to get safe passage back out. Enter ruins of Khargish city, spot building. Haladir attempts to determine height of building by tossing a rock up, and killed by the stone gargoyle head that falls on him.

The party enters the building and finds an "evil philosopher." Skeletons appear on the stairs behind. Party must decide which to fight.

Try to negotiate with grey philosopher, but fails. Stop huge skeleton guardians with Web, and kill the grey philosopher. Break his staff, at least temporarily. Wall of Thorns kills at least a hundred skeletons and stops skeleton guardians from killing the Defenders.

Drive off stork people, kill beetle and troll. Return to Restenford.

Cassian and Narahn retire to Restenford.

Phoenix joins the party in Barnacus.

The party joins the Petethalian navy for an assault on a goblin island fortress. Party lands in a longboat, and with the Horn of Valhalla takes out ballistae and catapults and trebuchet, also slaying about a hundred goblins.

Phoenix retires due to unprecedented massive permanent damage and loss of combat abilities.

The party travels to Teft, along with Drew, at the end of the season. Kain joins the party. Travel to Depwood and remain for new year.

2177 begins.

Party travels through Petethalian wilderness. Stalemate attack with 6 worgs, no losses on either side. Worgs retreat. Kill 3 ticks. Encounter Lord of Pondscum, some sort of shambling mound, at a river crossing. Barely able to affect the creature, and escape barely after Confusion affect hits.

Return to Teft. Kodo trains (to 3rd level). Alduin drills and trains (to 4th level). The party travels on the Belle Venture to the island of an orc tribe. Trekking through the jungle, the party discovers ruin inhabited by white gorillas. Stopping just before reaching an orc outpost, the party is attacked that night by shadows, who are driven off.

Trashing an outpost, the party travels up to the village and scouts the area. Trekking behind the the volcano, the party finds a back entrance to the temple. Bypassing several traps and solving a trio of puzzle doors, the party slays a group of ghouls and elder ghouls, as well as a pair of gelatinous cubes. The level drains from the ghouls are temporary, and the party heals up. Down the tunnel the party emerges near the ceremony of the orc village. The pig avatar is sitting on a throne nearby. In an attempt to find a closer position to view the proceedings, the party attacks a resting shaman/chieftain with his servants.

The Defenders explore the temple, free orcish prisoners and disrupt the ceremony in the volcano, dropping the bridge. In pursuit of the false Pig avatar, the party navigates a maze of weird rooms. Freeing two displacer beasts, the party slays shadows and then another party of three, finding all sorts of items. Naku-manu joins the party as Felix's henchman fighter (2nd level).

Realizing that their escape route has been compromised by the reconstruction of the bridge, the Defenders explore the weird caverns in pursuit of the Pig Avatar. He has escaped through a gate, however, and they cannot pursue. Seeing all sorts of bizarre rooms, the Defenders press on, even to the point of talking with a weird lizard/ fire creature. Apparently passing to the other volcano, the Defenders search for an exit.

Searching through the rest of the complex, the Defenders realize that their escape routes are suicidal. Some examination of the rooms reveals the presence of robes that allow the party to use the three portals. Finding an escape route, the party is about to leave, when they discover that the woman they had rescued has betrayed them to the false avatar, Kaal Na Ka. The party chases the wizard through a portal and after a huge fight slays Kaal Na Ka. The wizard was a former employee of Skylltor Rhune, and embezzled funds from him to continue research on the island. Massive treasure is recovered.

Massive training occurs. Balinor trains (to 6th level). Kodo trains (to 4th level). Nakumanu trains (to 3rd level). Felix trains (to 6th level). Morgan trains (to 6th level). Quentin trains (to 7th level). Alduin trains (to 5th level). Donald trains (to 5th level). Kain trains (to 2nd, 3rd, and 4th level).

2178 begins.

The party decides to take a trip to the ArchDruid of the New World to recharge the Rod of Thorns. Some trading is done in Carse.

The party travels through the city-state of Kelburn and into the Greate Olde Woode. Stopping at the Wild Wood Inn, the party continues through a tunnel under the Dragonteeth mountains and, dodging several ambushes, reaches the Court of the Archdruid.

A mission to slay an ogre tribe leader is undertaken. The party takes out a hunting squad of five ogres, then sneaks into the main camp and slays the fire giant leader and his greater ogre bodyguard.

The Defenders set out on a quest to defeat an evil faunlike creature. Passing by the trail of the Behir (?) the party reaches the faun's territory.

The creature is dispatched, but Felix is killed by the creature's golems. With Quentin's connections and the loss of the Rod of Thorns, Felix is saved and is waiting for the party back at the Druidic Grove.

The party returns to Carse and does some trading. The party travels to Restenford, to discover the house has been destroyed by planted explosives. Narahn and Gaston were not in the house at the time. Although nothing valuable was lost, this and several threats on prominent Restenford citizens spur the Defenders to action.

The Defenders set off to take out a bandit group. Gaston, who has gained 2nd level (12 hp), joins the party for the adventure. Quentin scouts the area and is nearly killed by a disease contracted off a half-dozen bodies found in the wilderness. He cures himself, and finds a hideout under construction. After 20 men leave the area (leaving about 20 men), the party sneaks up and enters the hideout. Dodging traps the party takes out a few guards but warns the rest of the compound. Pursuing the men, the party discovers the compound is quite large underground.

A trap seals the Defenders inside. Traywick threatens to slay the party unless they hand over Morgan and Thunderstruck. Felix is slain by laserbats in a desperate charge, and most of the party is sleep-gased. So much time is wasted that Almax and Peltar scry on the party and come to the rescue. Traywick is captured and later released to die in the Trenhurst Forest, while the bandits are slain.

Felix is Raised by the Archbishop of Nevron in Barnacus.

Bandits set up camp on the opposite side of Bald Hill. Gaston leaves to continue his service with the Baron. Cassian rejoins the party, and the Defenders head out to destroy them.

Bandits are taken out by failed ambush on Defenders posing as a caravan. 3 young grotto beasts are taken out. A nest of stirges in the orchard is cleared.

2179 begins.

A wrecked pirate ship is found.

The party travels in Petethalian navy transport to intercept a mysterious crystal citadel on a cloud. When it stops over Barnacus, the party invades the citadel stealthily. The party takes and questions prisoners and discovers that the ship was taken over by Irinia, a student of Alarius, high wizard of the Realm.

The party plans to save Alarius by returning the six crystals to the central tower. The party kills Irinia in her sleep, as well as her high guard. The party kills several demon creatures and captures the rest of the guards.

In the audience chamber, an epic battle results in the killing of Caxathoros, a demon of considerable power, though Kodo and one of the allied guards are killed in the fighting.

The crystals are retrieved, and the archmage returns in time to save the party from the trap that brought a demon in to attack them.

Huge treasure is recovered.

Training begins. Kodo is successfully Raised in Barnacus. Kodo trains (to 5th level). Cassian trains (to 6th level). Kain trains (to 6th level). Alduin trains (to 6th level). Donald trains (to 6th level).

The adamantite +5 short sword Peacemaker is constructed for Felix by Alarius the archmage. The party travels to the X in Petethal, then returns to Teft.

2180 begins.

The party travels to kill a sphinx for Drake. Illegal loggers are arrested and tried in Jebel. Drake so angers the party that they refuse the mission and head to Gesh.

The party makes a failed attempt to slay goblins with the help of the Koralgeshian navy. Dodge roc and ghost ship attacks. Goblins have abandoned the target island earlier.

Party takes on quest to stop the priests of the Queen of Grottoes from rebuilding a stolen cloaking vessel. The party inadvertently sets up a look-alike party, the Flaming Fist, to walk into the Defenders' ambush. Identities are mixed up, and the Fist are defeated. The Defenders follow and save the Fist's thief, and decides to take the down the temple in retribution. The party also learns that the Hand of Hindus paid to have them killed in this mission.

Party travels though compound and fights high priest and huge squid demonspawn creature. Felix and Kodo are eaten and killed, but the creature is dispatched after a long battle.

The party loots the temple and buries the clerics after interrogation. Felix is Raised off scroll in the compound. The crew of the boat is rescued from the slavers' prison near Lantern. A small warship is taken out and the party returns to Koralgesh. Kodo and one of the dead Flaming Fist are Raised by Letier in Koralgesh thanks to Cassian's Raise Wind ability.

Chiaro trains (to 2nd level). The party awaits another mission in Koralgesh.

Dunstill and Illic hire the party to take out the Goblin High Command at the Grandfather, the main naval base. The party is Teleported by Illic to the fortress and sneaks into the central tower. The goblin command is slain, except for one who escaped on the roof.

The party escapes the tower and returns to the ship. A sea monster is defeated on the return trip. The party splits for the rainy season.

2181 begins.

Chiaro trains in Koralgesh (to 3rd level). Kain trains in Teft (to 6th level). Quentin trains in Restenford (to 8th level).

Kain and Kodo are interrogated by a mysterious ambusher in Teft. Kain attempts to meet with the Church of Hindus and ends up wasting money.

A huge storm hits Restenford. The Phaulkonian Abbey and Druidic Grove are attacked by sea-devils, but the attacks are beaten off. The catacombs under the Phaulkonian Abbey are explored when two bodies disappear before the embalming ceremony. Weird undead creatures are killed.

The ruins are explored and looted by the Defenders. The party rejoins in Restenford, then sails to Teft. Chiaro and Nakumanu remain behind in Restenford, going into temporary retirement. Cassian trains (to 7th level).

The party decides that the evil skull room in the ruins is bad news and leaves it alone.

The party travels to Hafney Hill and is scared away by an illusionary gaunt.

Purchase a puzzle box and Auroran holy item from a peddler on the road.

Travel to Seapoint, visit Kerr the druid rune-user, and return to Hafney Hill. Cast Divination, revealing multiple evil forces and a stable gate to Pandemonium.

Attack mysterious creature in Hafney Hill. Ogre mage is killed but escapes in gaseous form, killing Balinor in the battle. Treasure is recovered.

The party goes to investigate the Dead Wood. Visiting Bone Hill, the party stumbles onto a meeting between the Blue and the Gray and a gnoll group. The party is trashed by Bogomel the fighter and the enemies escape, but Bogomel (3rd level fighter) joins the party as Cassian's henchman.

Quentin leaves the party. Alduin leaves the party. Kodo leaves the party. Albee (4th level monk) joins the party.

The party travels to Benct, and then to Trun to deal with the demon-worshippers. The party camps near the hill, and is attacked at night by a demon and the high priestess. Nakumanu, Felix, Morgan, and Chiaro are killed in the combat, though all are Raised. The high priestess is killed and the demon is driven off, and the demon-worshippers are broken.

Donald heads to the mainland and trains (to 7th level). Nakumanu trains in Barnacus (to 4th level). The party defeats a bandit group threatening Garroten calling themselves "The Fabulous." The party slays a bugbear and worg with delusions of grandeur.

2182 begins.

The party helps Restenford defeat a frontal assault by a dozen ogres on Restenford, also led by a delusional ogre. They also hear about a crazed hill giant attacking Benct.

Chiaro trains (to 4th level).

The party trades items in Barnacus, then heads to the Sentry, an evil temple of an ancient dwarven civilization.

The party defeats several golems, but they reform moments later. Balinor fails the test of the dwarven king and is captured. Felix passes the test and defeats the guardian. Felix rescues Balinor and gains durability permanently as a reward. Felix is named the dwarven king. The party is reunited.

Felix travels to Teft to train (to 7th level). Morgan travels to Depwood to train (to 7th level). Albee trains in Barnacus (to 5th level). Donald gains new spells.

A party of dwarves claiming to be Shabrundian show up at Restenford. They are directed to Felix. Felix negotiates with them for the ancient hammer and crown found at the Sentry. Felix considers their offer.

In Restenford, a group of dwarves from the White Mountains arrive and are directed to Felix. Felix hears about this and delays his negotiation.

Impatient, the dwarves in Teft kidnap Felix and remove his kingship and transfer it to their leader. After a Commune spell, Felix and Kain head to Poseidonus to speak with Wicker. Wicker Teleports the group to the School of Wizardry to intercept the dwarves from stealing the hammer and crown, where they are being identified by Zalk, the great sage.

In Restenford, a third group of dwarves arrive. They are the real Shabrundians, led by Moran Barrelstain. Moran gets Peltar to Teleport him to the School of Wizardry. When the dwarves arrive at the School, they are questioned by the constable and shown to be falsely impersonating an ambassador.

A fight ensues in which Moran hews body parts off some dwarves and the majority escape, after five disappeared from the combat by either a Gate or psionic effect.

The party returns to Teft where they trade the hammer and crown to Shabrund for powerful magic items.

Dunstill and Illic recruit the party for a mission to an orcish island, to do as much infrastructural damage as possible.

The party lands in the southern ruins and explores them, fighting giant lizards and weird mutant creatures. Camping for the night in the ruins, the party is ambushed by an oriental vampire, numerous poisonous snakes, spiders, and a group of wights. Balinor is level-drained temporarily 2 levels, while Felix temporarily loses one level. The vampire escapes and the party regroups at the beach. The vampire ambushes the party again but is slain and blown up by the party.

The party discovers evidence of a tomb beneath the vampire's favorite shady spot. The party develops a plan to wreck the orcish villages on the island. Exploring the spire and other ruins, the party finds a lighthouse of an old civilization and a gate to the Plane of Radiance. The party finishes off the vampire by throwing him in. Futher exploration of the ruins reveals a secret passage and an undead drow elf, and numerous gold bars.

The party develops a plan for attacking the orcs, and executes it perfectly. Two dams are destroyed, granaries are poisoned, the capital is burned down and the drydock village is drowned under one of the collapsed resevoirs.

Dunstill and Illic arrive in the morning and the party transfers most of the treasure but not before one of the radiance bricks nearly kills Chiaro, who loses a strength point permanently. The party escapes on the heels of the orcish navy and sails to Teft. Treasure is split.

The party buys a Commune for advice on whether to use the intelligent magical pendant found on the undead elf, bu the results are a failure. An attempt to use the pendant results in no beneficial effects. Felix and Chiaro have cerebral parasites removed from their heads when their intelligences begin to drop at alarming rates.

Balinor trains (to 7th level) and ages to middle age just before his 40th birthday, becoming grumpy and even uglier. Quentin comes out of retirement and rejoins the party.

The party kills evil giant spiders in the Dead Wood and discovers a demon scroll and potion that may have been meant for them, from the demon prince Orcus. The items are destroyed.

2183 begins.

Since the situation on the orc island was unresolved, the party returns via Dunstill and Illic's boat. The ruins are further explored and an Anarchist casino is found. A large underground compound is discovered. The party kills a ghost and encounters powerful guardians.

The party discovers a number of weird areas and strange portals to other planes. Donald reads a book that gains him the knowledge of the ancient drow race that dwelled here 10,000 years ago. Donald is trained by the book (to 8th level). Felix becomes a dedicated worshipper of Clangeddin. After searching the compound, the party destroys the water supply of the orcs of the island once again and returns to Carse on the Belle Venture. Kain trains (to 7th level). Chiaro trains (to 5th level). Alduin, receiving overdue story award, suddenly trains (to 7th level) and reads the Manual of Stealthy Pilfering, training (to 8th level).

The party regroups in Restenford. The party decides to destroy an old nemesis, the will'o'the'wisp at the bandit fortress. Peltar's apprentice Filban is recruited for the mission. On the way, a sad bandit ambush is foiled, and ogres occupying the bandit fortress are slain. The last ogre detects as non-evil and is taken along with the party. Finally, after much searching, the will'o'wisp's treasure is found. The wisp attacks the party during the night, and is defeated after a short but brutal combat by the combined magic missiles of Donald and Filban.

The party returns triumphantly to Restenford. The gnolls that have been trouble for Restenford for years are defeated with the help of an item that masks scent, provided by Baron Grellus. The gnolls are worgs are slain.

An expensive party is held at the Defenders house.

The Defenders attempt to intercept a new bandit group but are ambushed by a powerful evil party sent by the Church of the Queen of Grottoes to assassinate the party. They are defeated, although Donald is killed, and later Raised in Barnacus. The bandit group is incinerated in the crossfire.

Alduin rejoins the party and trains (to 7th and 8th level). The party decides to return to the Khargish ruins to deal with the grey philsopher.

A group of weird fanged toads are dispatched on the way. The storkpeople outside the city are destroyed using a Potion of Avian Control. The party returns to the philosopher and defeats him and his two guards using Walls of Fire and devastating attacks in a titanic battle.

As the philosopher dies, the Defenders are sucked into a strange simulation of the past, a test of the philosopher's decision. The party appears (as Khargish humans) in the ancient Khargish city 1000 years earlier, just before its fall. A contact is gained in the form of the high priest of the Korian temple. A campaign of propaganda by the party fails. The armies advancing on the city are discovered by the Defenders and they warn the philosopher to be, a councilman. The decision is altered as the pirates' treachery is revealed, and the forewarning of the army allows the philosopher to evacuate the city prior to a gigantic explosion that annihilates all the defenders and attackers of the city. The party watches the explosion from a nearby hill, and then awakens back in the grey philosopher's compound in the present, the consecrated evil ground removed. The city is searched and treasure is gained. The party returns to Restenford.

Quentin trains (to 9th level). Cassian trains (to 8th level). Chiaro trains (to 6th level). Albee trains (to 6th level). Bogomel trains (to 4th level).

2184 begins.

The party trades the Horn of Valhalla for a Girdle of Giant Strength for Morgan. The party digs up the will'o'wisp's treasure with the help of a Treasure Finding Potion. A revenant emerges from the chamber and heads to Barnacus, where it fails to get revenge and collapses on a pauper's grave.

The party heads to Cromwell to undertake an expedition to the caverns called the Horn of Iguilve. On the way, the party slays two ogres for a local ruler in northern Cromwell. Passing through the Dim Forest, the party reaches the Tegefed mountains and begins to climb. Along the way, a group of a hundred hobgoblins are annihilated by the Defenders, who turned the hobgoblin's own device against them.

The party arrives at the Horn of Iguilve, and searches the large dungeons. Much damage is taken: Felix and Balinor are cursed, Morgan's armor is damaged, Chiaro's arm nearly melts off. Monsters are defeated. Dark dwarf defeated, journal found. Ignore Garden of a Thousand Earthly Delights, slay more monsters.

June 28, 2000

Defenders Adventure Capsules and Statistics

(Formatting is imperfect, but oh well...)


1) Formation in Teft. Travel from Barnacus to Restenford.
Games 1-2

Party Roster:

Darellon-- W1, 20 hp
Drew-- R1, 15 hp
Grison-- F1, 11 hp
Soldan-- C1, 9 hp
Quentin-- D1, 6 hp
Annwvyn-- T1, 4 hp

Avg HP: 10.83
Avg Lv: 1
Classes: 3/2/1

Near-Death Encounters: Giant Spider
Collapses: (3) An x2, Qu
Deaths: 0
XP: 400

Notes: First collapse and wound. Hired as deputies. Party already hates Lord Mayor of Garroten.

2) The Bandit Battles
Games 3-6

Party Roster:

Darellon-- W1, 20 hp
Drew-- R1, 15 hp
Ethan-- W1, 13 hp
Grison-- F1, 11 hp
Felix-- F1, 10 hp
Soldan-- C1, 9 hp
Morgan-- F1, 7 hp
Quentin-- D1, 6 hp
Celeste-- C1, 6 hp
Annwyvn-- T1, 4 hp

Avg HP: 10.10
Avg Lv: 1
Classes: 6/3/1

Near-Death Encounters: Wereboar, Bandit Fortress, Retributive Strike
Collapses: (15) Gr x4, Da x2, Dr x2, Et x2, Qu x2, So, Ce, Mo
Deaths: (6) An, Gr, So, Et, Da, Ce
Permanent Damage: Qu (1 str)
XP: 2000

Notes: 6 of 9 permanent deaths during this period. All battles except one against humanoids. First permanent damage. Everyone collapsed at least once. First magic items. Assassination attempt failed on party. First +1 weapon, later lost.

3) Abbey Isle I
Games 7-9

Party Roster:

Drew-- R2, 19 hp
Morgan-- F2, 12 hp
Quentin-- D2, 10 hp
Felix-- F1, 10 hp
Tyveris-- C1, 10 hp
Gaston-- F1, 10 hp

Avg HP: 11.83
Avg Lv: 1.50
Classes: 4/2/0

Near-Death Encounters: 14 Skeletons, Captured
Collapses: (9) Ga3, Fe2, Qu2, Dr, Ty
Deaths: 0
Permanent Damage: Ga (4 hp, 4 con)
XP: 2000

Notes: Party competely defeated by defenders. First 2nd level party members. First cooperative effort with Petethalian Navy. First party member lost due to permanent damage. The Church of Hindus still hates the party for this mission and its follow-up.

4) Will'o'Wisp Debacle
Game 10

Party Roster:

Felix-- F2, 24 hp
Drew-- R2, 19 hp
Morgan-- F2, 12 hp
Tyveris-- C2, 12 hp
Quentin-- D2, 10 hp
Colin-- TM1, 5 hp

Avg HP: 13.67
Avg Lv: 1.83
Classes: 3/2/1

Near-Death Encounters: None
Collapses: (3) Co, Mo, Dr
Deaths: 0
Permanent Damage: Mo (3 hp, 2 com), Co (3 hp, frailty)
XP: 100

Notes: First complete failure. First multiclass character. First frailty. Scouting idea fails.

5) Nbod and Brinea
Games 11-15

Party Roster:

Felix-- F2, 24 hp
Drew-- R2, 19 hp
Tyveris-- C2, 12 hp
Quentin-- D2, 10 hp
Morgan-- F2, 9 hp
Perry-- T1, 6 hp

Avg HP: 13.33
Avg Lv: 1.83
Classes: 3/2/1

Near-Death Encounters: Harpy, Brinea
Collapses: (8) Pe2, Fe2, Mo, Dr, Ty, Qu
Deaths: (5) Pe, Fe, Dr, Ty, Qu
Permanent Damage: Fe (2 hp)
XP: 5000

Notes: Party completely killed in final battle with Brinea. Massive experience and treasure. First Raise Dead cast. First double and triple training. First double wound. Queen of Grottoes cleric encountered. First magical weapon kept by party.

6) Abbey Isle II
Games 16-18

Party Roster:

Felix-- F4, 44 hp
Drew-- R3, 25 hp
Morgan-- F4, 22 hp
Balinor-- F2, 19 hp
Quentin-- D4, 16 hp
Perry-- T4, 13 hp
Cassian-- C1, 9 hp

Avg HP: 21.14
Avg Lv: 3.14
Classes: 4/2/1

Near-Death Encounters: Elfmaiden Golem
Collapses: (2) Ba, Fe
Deaths: 0
Permanent Damage: Ba (1 level), Fe (2 hp, 1 con)
XP: 3000

Notes: Return to Abbey Isle. First magic weapon actually retained. First level drain. First golem encountered. First dungeon. First 4th level character. Record 6x wound taken.

7) Burrow Worms
Game 19

Party Roster:

Felix-- F4, 42 hp
Drew-- R4, 34 hp
Balinor-- F3, 33 hp
Cassian-- C3, 25 hp
Morgan-- F4, 22 hp
Quentin-- D4, 16 hp
Perry-- T4, 13 hp

Avg HP: 26.43
Avg Lv: 3.71
Classes: 4/2/1

Near-Death Encounters: None
Collapses: 0
Deaths: 0
Permanent Damage: None
XP: 1000

Notes: Most straightforward adventure, first with no collapses. First druidic mission.

8) Hafney Hill
Games 20-21

Party Roster:

Felix-- F4, 42 hp
Drew-- R4, 34 hp
Balinor-- F3, 33 hp
Cassian-- C3, 25 hp
Morgan-- F4, 22 hp
Quentin-- D4, 16 hp
Perry-- T5, 16 hp
Donald-- M1, 7 hp

+Seapoint Lightning (3 members)

Avg HP: 24.38
Avg Lv: 3.50
Classes: 4/3/1

Near-Death Encounters: Giant Skeleton (BASTARD)
Collapses: 0
Deaths: 0
Permanent Damage: None
XP: 2000

Notes: First collaborative effort with another adventuring party. First 5th level character. First wizard spell cast. Half of enemies escaped. Evil temple not cleared.

9) Garroten
Games 22-25

Party Roster:

Felix-- F4, 42 hp
Drew-- R4, 34 hp
Balinor-- F3, 33 hp
Cassian-- C4, 27 hp
Morgan-- F4, 22 hp
Quentin-- D5, 20 hp
Perry-- T5, 16 hp
Donald-- M1, 7 hp

Avg HP: 25.13
Avg Lv: 3.75
Classes: 4/3/1

Near-Death Encounters: None
Collapses: (2) Fe x2
Deaths: 0
Permanent Damage: Fe (1 com)
XP: 8000

Notes: First politically significant adventure. Replaced government of Garroten. Angered Kordian clergy. Allies gained in Barnacus, and with Church of Osprem. Numerous magic items. First +2 weapon.

Mid-Campaign Assessment:
Game 26

Felix-- F5, 53 hp
Balinor-- F4, 43 hp
Drew-- R4, 34 hp
Cassian- C5, 31 hp
Morgan-- F5, 27 hp
Quentin-- D6, 25 hp
Perry-- T6, 17 hp
Donald-- M3, 16 hp

Avg HP: 30.75
Avg Lv: 4.75
Classes: 4/3/1

Notes: Everyone trained. First 6th level character. Retirement by one of two remaining original party members.

10) Sark
Games 27-32

Party Roster:

Felix-- F5, 53 hp
Balinor-- F4, 43 hp
Cassian-- C5, 31 hp
Morgan-- F5, 27 hp
Quentin-- D6, 25 hp
Kodo-- W1, 24 hp
Donald-- M3, 16 hp
Lynore-- T1, 7 hp
Narahn-- F1, 7 hp
Alduin-- T1, 6 hp

Avg HP: 23.90
Avg Lv: 3.20
Classes: 5/3/2

Near-Death Encounters: Black Pudding
Collapses: (4) Ly, Ko, Al, Ba
Deaths: (2) Ly, Ba
Permanent Damage: Ko (.15 str)
XP: 4000

Notes: Permanent death was first since Brinea. Party reached size of ten. Adamantite found, later forged into Peacemaker. Traywick, leader of the enemies, escaped. First adventure on the mainland.

11) Khargish Ruins
Games 33-34

Party Roster:

Felix-- F5, 53 hp
Balinor-- F5, 50 hp
Cassian-- C5, 31 hp
Kodo-- W2, 30 hp
Morgan-- F5, 27 hp
Quentin-- D6, 25 hp
Donald-- M4, 21 hp
Alduin-- T3, 13 hp
Narahn-- F2, 11 hp
Haladir-- T1, 5 hp

Avg HP: 26.60
Avg Lv: 3.80
Classes: 5/3/2

Near-Death Encounters: Grey Philosopher
Collapses: (4) Na2, Ha, Fe
Deaths: (1) Ha
Permanent Damage: Ko (1 int)
XP: 2000

Notes: Abortive expedition. Did not kill enemies permanently. Hoped to be finished in the future. Bizarre permanent damage. Second permanent death in as many adventures.

12) Goblin Isle
Game 35

Party Roster:

Felix-- F5, 53 hp
Balinor-- F5, 50 hp
Kodo-- W2, 30 hp
Morgan-- F5, 27 hp
Quentin-- D6, 25 hp
Donald-- M4, 21 hp
Alduin-- T3, 13 hp
Phoenix-- C1, 7 hp

Avg HP: 28.25
Avg Lv: 3.88
Classes: 4/3/1

Near-Death Encounters: Bell Monster
Collapses: (2) Ph, Al
Deaths: 0
Permanent Damage: Ph (13 hp, adventuring class)
XP: 2500

Notes: Quick and successful. Massive permanent damage forces another retirement. Enemy staff of lightning used against them. First use of the Horn of Valhalla.

13) Petethal
Game 36

Party Roster:

Felix-- F5, 53 hp
Balinor-- F5, 50 hp
Kodo-- W2, 30 hp
Morgan-- F5, 27 hp
Quentin-- D6, 25 hp
Donald-- M4, 21 hp
Alduin-- T3, 13 hp
Kain-- C1, 6 hp

Avg HP: 28.13
Avg Lv: 3.88
Classes: 4/3/1

Near-Death Encounters: Slime Bag, Worgs
Collapses: (4) Do2, Ka, Ba
Deaths: 0
Permanent Damage: None
XP: 300

Notes: Failed mission. Did not kill the shambling mound. First rainy season adventure.

14) Orc Isle
Games 37-42

Party Roster:

Felix-- F5, 53 hp
Balinor-- F5, 50 hp
Kodo-- W3, 36 hp
Morgan-- F5, 27 hp
Quentin-- D6, 25 hp
Donald-- M4, 21 hp
Alduin-- T4, 15 hp
Nakumanu-- F2, 14 hp
Kain-- C1, 6 hp

Avg HP: 27.44
Avg Lv: 3.89
Classes: 5/3/1

Near-Death Encounters: Grey Worm, Kaal Na Ka
Collapses: (4) Ba2, Fe, Do
Deaths: 0
Permanent Damage: None
XP: 10000

Notes: Highest XP award ever, second best in treasure. Complete success, but more to explore in the future. First 7th level character.

15) Ogre Village
Games 43-44

Party Roster:

Felix-- F6, 59 hp
Balinor-- F6, 56 hp
Kodo-- W4, 47 hp
Morgan-- F6, 35 hp
Quentin-- D7, 31 hp
Donald-- M5, 27 hp
Kain-- C4, 27 hp
Nakumanu-- F3, 25 hp
Alduin-- T5, 19 hp

Avg HP: 36.22
Avg Lv: 5.11
Classes: 5/3/1

Near-Death Encounters: None
Collapses: 0
Deaths: 0
Permanent Damage: None
XP: 1000

Notes: Mission for High Druid. Successful and basically straightforward.

16) Lair of the Faun
Game 45

Party Roster:

Felix-- F6, 59 hp
Balinor-- F6, 56 hp
Kodo-- W4, 47 hp
Morgan-- F6, 35 hp
Quentin-- D7, 31 hp
Donald-- M5, 27 hp
Kain-- C4, 27 hp
Nakumanu-- F3, 25 hp
Alduin-- T5, 19 hp

Avg HP: 36.22
Avg Lv: 5.11
Classes: 5/3/1

Near-Death Encounters: Korred
Collapses: (1) Fe
Deaths: (1) Fe
Permanent Damage: None
XP: 1000

Notes: First magic item sacrificed for a Raise Dead. Successful but costly druidic mission.

17) Traywick's Revenge
Games 46-47

Party Roster:

Felix-- F6, 59 hp
Balinor-- F6, 56 hp
Kodo-- W4, 47 hp
Morgan-- F6, 35 hp
Quentin-- D7, 31 hp
Donald-- M5, 27 hp
Kain-- C4, 27 hp
Nakumanu-- F3, 25 hp
Alduin-- T5, 19 hp
Gaston-- F2, 12 hp

Avg HP: 33.80
Avg Lv: 4.80
Classes: 6/3/1

Near-Death Encounters: Traywick
Collapses: (1) Fe
Deaths: (1) Fe
Permanent Damage: Fe (2 com)
XP: 100

Notes: Party trapped again. First time saved by Almax and Peltar. Arguably least successful adventure ever.

18) Mini-missions
Game 48

Party Roster:

Felix-- F6, 59 hp
Balinor-- F6, 56 hp
Kodo-- W4, 47 hp
Morgan-- F6, 35 hp
Quentin-- D7, 31 hp
Cassian-- C5, 31 hp
Donald-- M5, 27 hp
Kain-- C4, 27 hp
Nakumanu-- F3, 25 hp
Alduin-- T5, 19 hp

Avg HP: 35.70
Avg Lv: 5.10
Classes: 5/4/1

Near-Death Encounters: None
Collapses: 0
Deaths: 0
Permanent Damage: None
XP: 300

Notes: No damage taken during entire set of missions.

19) Castle of Diamond
Games 49-53

Party Roster:

Felix-- F6, 59 hp
Balinor-- F6, 56 hp
Kodo-- W4, 47 hp
Morgan-- F6, 35 hp
Quentin-- D7, 31 hp
Cassian-- C5, 31 hp
Donald-- M5, 27 hp
Kain-- C4, 27 hp
Alduin-- T5, 19 hp

Avg HP: 36.89
Avg Lv: 5.33
Classes: 4/4/1

Near-Death Encounters: Caxathoros
Collapses: (8) Al3, Ba2, Ko, Mo, Fe
Deaths: (1) Ko
Permanent Damage: None
XP: 9000

Notes: Peacemaker created by grateful archmage. First +3 weapon and +5 weapon. Powerful demon killed.

20) Queen of Grottoes
Games 54-56

Party Roster:

Felix-- F6, 59 hp
Kodo-- W5, 59 hp
Balinor-- F6, 56 hp
Cassian-- C6, 37 hp
Morgan-- F6, 35 hp
Kain-- C5, 34 hp
Donald-- M6, 33 hp
Quentin-- D7, 31 hp
Alduin-- T6, 26 hp
Chiaro-- I1, 5 hp

+Flaming Fist (8 members)

Avg HP: 37.50
Avg Lv: 5.40
Classes: 4/5/1

Near-Death Encounters: Demon Squid
Collapses: (3) Ko, Fe, Ch
Deaths: (2) Ko, Fe
Permanent Damage: None
XP: 7000

Notes: Second demon in as many adventures. Set up by Church of Hindus for revenge. Annhilated entire temple to the Queen of Grottoes. First illusionist. 6 of 8 Flaming Fist survived.

21) The Grandfather Raid
Games 57-58

Party Roster:

Felix-- F6, 59 hp
Kodo-- W5, 59 hp
Balinor-- F6, 56 hp
Cassian-- C6, 37 hp
Morgan-- F6, 35 hp
Kain-- C5, 34 hp
Donald-- M6, 33 hp
Quentin-- D7, 31 hp
Alduin-- T6, 26 hp
Chiaro-- I2, 5 hp

Avg HP: 37.50
Avg Lv: 5.50
Classes: 4/5/1

Near-Death Encounters: Goblin High Command
Collapses: (3) Fe, Mo, Mo
Deaths: none
Permanent Damage: none
XP: 3500

Notes: Worked with Dunstill and Illic. Straightforward and successful. First illusion spells cast. First 8th level character.

22) The Phaulkonian Abbey
Games 59-60

Participating Party Roster:

Felix-- F6, 59 hp
Balinor-- F6, 56 hp
Quentin-- D8, 37 hp
Cassian-- C6, 37 hp
Donald-- M6, 33 hp
Alduin-- T6, 26 hp
Nakumanu-- F3, 25 hp

Avg HP: 39.00
Avg Lv: 5.86
Classes: 3/3/1

Near-Death Encounters: none
Collapses: none
Deaths: none
Permanent Damage: none
XP: 3000

Notes: Only involved part of the party. First mission for Phaulkon. First 7th level cleric allowing new access to spells.

23) Hafney Hill II
Games 61-62

Participating Party Roster:

Felix-- F6, 59 hp
Kodo-- W5, 59 hp
Balinor-- F6, 56 hp
Cassian-- C7, 45 hp
Kain-- C6, 43 hp
Quentin-- D8, 37 hp
Morgan-- F6, 35 hp
Donald-- M6, 33 hp
Alduin-- T6, 26 hp
Nakumanu-- F3, 25 hp

Avg HP: 39.45
Avg Lv: 5.90
Classes: 5/4/1

Near-Death Encounters: Ogre Mage
Collapes: 2 (Nk, Ba)
Deaths: 1 (Ba)
Permanent Damage: none significant
XP: 1700

Notes: Return to Hafney Hill. Still unable to clear out lower temple. Will attempt soon.

24) Exploring the Dead Wood
Game 63

Participating Party Roster:

Felix-- F6, 59 hp
Kodo-- W5, 59 hp
Balinor-- F6, 56 hp
Cassian-- C7, 45 hp
Kain-- C6, 43 hp
Quentin-- D8, 37 hp
Morgan-- F6, 35 hp
Donald-- M6, 33 hp
Alduin-- T6, 26 hp

Avg HP: 43.67
Avg Lv: 6.22
Classes: 4/4/1

Near-Death Encounters: Bogomel
Collapses: 2 (Do,Ca)
Deaths: none
Permanent Damage: none
XP: 300

Notes: Picked up second party henchman. Encountered the Blue and the Gray.

25) Mid-Campaign Assessment #2
Game 64

Participating Party Roster:

Felix-- F6, 59 hp
Balinor-- F6, 56 hp
Cassian-- C7, 45 hp
Kain-- C6, 43 hp
Morgan-- F6, 35 hp
Donald-- M6, 33 hp
Bogomel-- F3, 31 hp
Albee-- O4, 27 hp
Nakumanu-- F3, 25 hp
Chiaro-- I3, 6 hp

Avg HP: 36.00
Avg Lv: 5.00
Classes: 5/4/1

Notes: Underwent major party rearrangement, including retiring Quentin, the only remaining original party member. Picked up the first party monk, Albee.

25) Demon-Worshippers of Trun
Game 65

Participating Party Roster:

Felix-- F6, 59 hp
Balinor-- F6, 56 hp
Cassian-- C7, 45 hp
Kain-- C6, 43 hp
Morgan-- F6, 35 hp
Donald-- M6, 33 hp
Bogomel-- F3, 31 hp
Albee-- O4, 27 hp
Nakumanu-- F3, 25 hp
Chiaro-- I3, 6 hp

Avg HP: 36.00
Avg Lv: 5.00
Classes: 5/4/1

Near-Death Encounters: Demon and Priestess
Collapses: 2 (Do,Ca)
Deaths: 4 (Ch, Mo, Fe, Nk)
Permanent Damage: none
XP: 2000

Notes: Second most deaths ever. Albee saved the party. Demon got away. Destroyed worshippers.

26) Mini-missions II
Game 66

Participating Party Roster:

Felix-- F6, 59 hp
Balinor-- F6, 56 hp
Cassian-- C7, 45 hp
Kain-- C6, 43 hp
Morgan-- F6, 35 hp
Bogomel-- F3, 31 hp
Nakumanu-- F4, 30 hp
Albee-- O4, 27 hp
Chiaro-- I3, 6 hp

Avg HP: 36.88
Avg Lv: 5.00
Classes: 5/3/1

Near-Death Encounters: None
Collapses: None
Deaths: None
Permanent Damage: None
XP: 1000

27) Felix, King of the Dwarves
Games 67-68

Participating Party Roster:

Felix-- F6, 59 hp
Balinor-- F6, 56 hp
Cassian-- C7, 45 hp
Kain-- C6, 43 hp
Donald-- M7, 37 hp
Morgan-- F6, 35 hp
Bogomel-- F3, 31 hp
Nakumanu-- F4, 30 hp
Albee-- O4, 27 hp

Avg HP: 40.33
Avg Lv: 5.44
Classes: 5/3/1

Near-Death Encounters: None
Collapses: None
Deaths: None
Permanent Damage: None
XP: 5000

Notes: Felix temporarily became king of an evil sect of dwarves. Gained 6 hp permanently as a result. The fighters gained 7th level and a speed reduction, Felix is first to reach 60 and 70 hp.

28) Orc Isle II
Games 69-72

Participating Party Members:

Felix-- F7, 70 hp
Balinor-- F6, 56 hp
Cassian-- C7, 45 hp
Kain-- C6, 43 hp
Morgan-- F7, 38 hp
Donald-- M7, 37 hp
Albee-- O5, 31 hp
Bogomel-- F3, 31 hp
Nakumanu-- F4, 30 hp
Chiaro-- I4, 8 hp

Avg HP: 38.90
Avg Lv: 5.60
Classes: 5/4/1

Near-Death Encounters: Vampire
Collapes: 1 (Ch)
Deaths: none
Permanent Damage: 1 str (Ch)
XP: 8000

Notes: Multiple level drains, though none were permanent. Mission was a complete success. Worked with Dunstill and Illic for the second time.

29) Return to Orc Isle II
Games 73-76

Felix-- F7, 70 hp
Balinor-- F7, 70 hp
Cassian-- C7, 45 hp
Kain-- C6, 43 hp
Morgan-- F7, 38 hp
Quentin-- D8, 37 hp
Donald-- M7, 37 hp
Albee-- O5, 31 hp
Bogomel-- F3, 31 hp
Nakumanu-- F4, 30 hp
Chiaro-- I4, 8 hp

Avg HP: 40.00
Avg Lv: 6.10
Classes: 5/5/1

Near-Death Encounters: 0
Collapses: 0
Deaths: 0
Permanent Damage: Years of Aging (Nk, Bo, Mo, Ba, Ch), weakness to stone (Fe)
XP: 7000

Notes: The previous mission was not complete. Further ruins exploration. Catastrophic encounter with a ghost. Bizarre frescoes. Did further damage to orcs. Mission was likely a complete success.

30) The Fall of Old Enemies
Games 77-78

Felix-- F7, 70 hp
Balinor-- F7, 70 hp
Cassian-- C7, 45 hp
Kain-- C7, 45 hp
Donald-- M8, 43 hp
Alduin-- T8, 39 hp
Morgan-- F7, 38 hp
Quentin-- D8, 37 hp
Albee-- O5, 31 hp
Bogomel-- F3, 31 hp
Nakumanu-- F4, 30 hp

Avg HP: 43.55
Avg Lv: 6.45
Classes: 5/4/2

Near-Death Encounters: Evil party
Collapses: 3 (Do, Ka, Mo)
Deaths: 1 (Do)
Permanent Damage: none
XP: 4500

First part-- Avenged Morgan and Colin. Wiped out old enemy. Complete unqualified success. Almost never in any danger.
Second part-- Alduin returned. Trashed gnolls, complete unqualified success. Then got nearly ripped to pieces by an ambush from the Queen of Grottoes priests.

31) Return to the Khargish Ruins
Games 79-82

Felix-- F7, 70 hp
Balinor-- F7, 70 hp
Cassian-- C7, 45 hp
Kain-- C7, 45 hp
Donald-- M8, 43 hp
Alduin-- T8, 39 hp
Morgan-- F7, 38 hp
Quentin-- D8, 37 hp
Albee-- O5, 31 hp
Bogomel-- F3, 31 hp
Nakumanu-- F4, 30 hp
Chiaro-- I5, 9 hp

Avg HP: 40.67
Avg Lv: 6.33
Classes: 5/5/2

Near-Death Encounters: Grey Philosopher Revisited
Collapses: 3 (Ba, Ab, Ch)
Deaths: 0
Permanent Damage: 0
XP: 13000

Solved the mystery of the Khargish ruins, wiped out old enemies. Complete success. First 9th level character.

32) The Horn of Iguilve
Games 83-90

Felix-- F7, 70 hp
Balinor-- F7, 70 hp
Cassian-- C8, 51 hp
Kain-- C7, 45 hp
Quentin-- D9, 44 hp
Donald-- M8, 43 hp
Bogomel-- F4, 41 hp
Alduin-- T8, 39 hp
Morgan-- F7, 38 hp
Albee-- O6, 37 hp
Nakumanu-- F4, 30 hp
Chiaro-- I6, 12 hp

Avg HP: 43.33
Avg Lv: 6.75
Classes: 5/5/2

Near-Death Encounters: Demon mosquitoes, Bodek
Collapses: 9 (Ch, Mo, Mo, Ba, Mo, Al, Al, Nk, Bo)
Deaths: 2 (Nk, Bo)
Permanent Damage: 1 (Mo)
XP: 20000

Final Campaign Assessment
Game 91

Balinor-- F8, 76 hp
Felix-- F8, 75 hp
Cassian-- C8, 51 hp
Bogomel-- F5, 47 hp
Kain-- C7, 45 hp
Alduin-- T9, 45 hp
Quentin-- D9, 44 hp
Donald-- M8, 43 hp
Albee-- O7, 42 hp
Morgan-- F8, 39 hp
Nakumanu-- F5, 32 hp
Chiaro-- I6, 12 hp

Avg HP: 45.92
Avg Lv: 7.33
Classes: 5/5/2

Note: End of the Defenders. Many levels were gained. Terrible hp rolls.

And now, a list of all collapses/deaths/permanent damage incidents in the Defenders:

(Format: Encounter—Collapses / Deaths –- Permanent Damage)

Bandits-- 2 (An,Q)
Stirges-- 1 (An)
Beetle-- 2 / 1 (An,Gr/ An)
Bandits-- 2 (Gr,Da)
Bandits-- 3 (Gr,E,M)
Bandits-- 5 / 3 (Q,Gr,S,Dr,E/ Gr,S,E)
Ogres-- 4 / 2 -- 1 (Q,Dr,Ce,Da/ Ce,Da-- Q)
Skeletons-- 4 -- 1 (F,Ga,Q,Ga-- Ga)
Skeletons-- 2 (T)
Spiny thing-- 3 -- 1 (Ga,Dr,F-- Ga)
Skeletons-- 1 (Q)
Will o'wisp-- 2 -- 2 (Co,M-- Co,M)
Trapdoor Spider-- 1 (Dr)
Lightning Trap-- 1 (Pe)
Headhunters-- 1 (M)
Leviathan Dagger-- 1 -- 1 (F-- F)
Brinea-- 5 / 5 (Pe,Dr,F,T,Q/ Pe,Dr,F,T,Q)
Wight-- 1 -- 1 (Ba -- Ba)
Door-- 1 -- 1 (F-- F)
Lord Mayor-- 1 (F)
Dwarf Weaponsmith-- 1 -- 1 (F-- F)
Sarkian bandits-- 3 / 1 -- 1 (L,Ko,Al/ Ly-- Ko)
Black pudding-- 1 / 1 (Ba/ Ba)
Lizard-- 1 (N)
Evil Building-- 1 / 1 (H/ H)
Grey Philosopher-- 1 -- 1 (N-- Ko)
Troll-- 1 (F)
Goblins-- 2 -- 1 (Ph,Al-- Ph)
Pondscum-- 4 (Do,Do,Ka,Ba)
Displacer beast-- 1 (Ba)
Kaal Na Ka-- 3 (F,Do,Ba)
Satyr-- 1 / 1 (F/ F)
Laserbats-- 1 / 1 -- 1 (F/ F-- F)
Demonspawn-- 2 (Al,M)
Caxathoros-- 6 / 1 (Ko,Ba,F,Al,Ba,Al/ Ko)
Squid-- 3 / 2 (Ko,F,Ch/ Ko,F)
Goblin High Command-- 3 (F,M,M)
Ogre Mage-- 2 / 1 (Nk,Ba/ Ba)
Bogomel-- 2 (Ca,Do)
Demon and Priestess-- 6 / 4 (Ch,Nk,M,Nk,F,Ba/ Ch,M,Nk,F)
Sentry Shrine-- 1 (Ba)
Radiance brick-- 1 -- 1 (Ch -- Ch)
Ghost 0 -- 5 (-- Ch, Nk, Bo, Mo, Ba)
Clangeddin-- 0 -- 1 (-- Fe)
Evil party-- 3 / 1 (Do, Ka, Mo / Do)
Storkpeople-- 1 / 0 (Ba)
BASTARDs & GP-- 1 / 0 (Ab)
Explosion of City-- 1 / 0 (Ch)
Dark Dwarf-- 3 / 0 (Ch, Mo, Mo)
Demon Mosquito-- 3 / 0 -- 1 (Ba, Mo, Al-- Mo)
Umber Hulk-- 1 / 0 (Al)
Bodak-- 2 / 2 (Nk, Bo / Nk, Bo)

June 22, 2000

Defenders Quotations

Just some nuggets o' wisdom from the Defenders and their players.

"What melee weapon do you fight with?"-- Darellon, assessing Celeste the Phaulkonian cleric (Phaulkonians are only permitted to use projectile weaponry)

"Are we safe? YES! QUENTIN DIDN'T GET 1D-ED!" -- Jeremy, celebrating

"Chaaarrrge!" --Darellon, when told a group of armed men approached

"Surrender, or else." --Felix the 1st level fighter, to the fortified 6th level cleric Ozymandius

"Easy come, easy go." --Jeremy, on magic items

"What do you want?" --the armorer of Restenford's sales pitch

"I object to Morgan being called squirmy." --Alan

"We're a half hour out of Barnacus on the main road. What could possibly happen here?" --Darellon, just before the bandits attacked

"Shiny things! Preferably gold." --the economically knowledgeable trapdoor spider

"We start scavenging through the rusty skeleton weapons." -- a desperate party

"What's wrong with you?" --anyone Tyveris has interacted with

"I'd like to have half a brain... is that allowed?" --Joel, playing Felix

"Halflings wobble, but they don't fall down." --Jeremy

"Get to bed EARLY? Did I get up?" --Morgan during down times

"Defenestrate!" --proposed Command spell

"Look, we're worried that you might be bandits trying to ambush us."--Drew, to the bandit leading us into an ambush

"How do we know you aren't Brinea disguised as Nbod?" --Perry, to Brinea disguised as Nbod

"Did you know they feed me here?" --Esmerelda the fish

"Two, two. Two? Two, two, two, two. Two? Two, two..." --an incredibly stupid squirrel, to Quentin

"How good do you think it'll be? It's a BUG HEAD!!!" -- the ever-charming armorer of Restinford

"Aren't you glad Cassian uses Dial? Don't you wish everyone did?" -- Joel, after Cassian's personal hygiene equipment helped take out the Black Pudding.

"We go right. That's what the nail said" -- Quentin, on making decisions.

"The Defenders are trapped in an intestine."
"So we're stumbling vaguely away from digestion?" -- Edwin and Rob on the tunnels on crack

"We're actually being employed as professional actors." -- The sergeant for a group of hobgoblins employed by the Fabulous when questioned by the Defenders

"Hey, baby, baby! Hey, baby, baby! Nice legs! Hey, baby, baby! Hey, baby, baby! Come on over here with some lovin' " -- the bullfrog, whenever he was not being asked a direct question

"Henchmen are henchmen and that is why they are henchmen." -- Jeff on why henchmen have to clean their own armor

"Wlahdsg alkhsdaghash adhgijksho?" -- an ancient dwarven riddle, as understood by Balinor

"Ambassadorial emissaries, my fat ass!" -- the real Moran Barrelstane

June 15, 2000

Defenders Guide: The Town of Restenford, on Lendore Isle

*Note: has been spelled Restinford by virtually everyone but me, but I press on.

Location: Around the Restin River on the legendary isle of Lendore, Restenford is the fourth largest town in the Keystone Kingdom. It is about a five day journey from Barnacus.

Background: Although the Keystone Kingdom is ruled from Barnacus (the capital and by the far the largest city on Lendore), the towns are relatively independent. This is due in part to the dangerous roads on this frontier island. Life is harsh and short, but the rewards are large for merchants and adventurers alike. Farmers prosper utilizing the fantastic soil (although the burrow worms that provide this ecological miracle are quite dangerous) and bandits and tribal Khargish humans roam the northern half of the island. The Kingdom was founded about 500 years ago after the pirate inhabitants were driven out. In theory, the ruling family of Barnacus is an exiled royal line from the Realm. The current leader is Duke Haermond IV.

Restenford is a growing town with a population of about 600 in 2182, having doubled from its 2172 size. This is due in part to the increased security in the region provided by the Restenford Defenders, a group of adventurers/deputies who have eliminated virtually all bandit presence in the area. The western end of Restenford is dominated by a wooden palisade which was used to protect against raids by the gnolls before their elimination. The side east of the Restin River is not protected by walls.

A rivalry over the eastern lands continues to this day, against the resistance of the Duke of Kroten (Benct, a larger town to the east).

Important People/Organizations/Structures:

Baronial Keep—The town is ruled by Baron Grellus, a former fighter wielding a flaming bastard sword. His wife is a Nevronian cleric. The tax collector/evaluator is Relkin. The guard captain is Gelpus. Guards include Colemac, Halco, Brillman, Narahn, Marcus, Carlton, and Gaston. The sentry level guards are virtually incomprehensible, speaking with some sort of colloquial accent (as do some of the commoners).

Peltar’s Tower—The abode of the powerful wizard Peltar, known for his tremendous library of spells. His apprentices include Gristla. He is quite fond of pancakes.

Almax—High Druid of Lendore Isle. He has worked closely to insure Quentin Browne takes his place upon reaching sufficient stature. His son is Amos.

Phaulkonian Church—A walled compound, this church is led by Philip (following the tragic death of the previous Abbot in 2175).

House of the Restenford Defenders—Currently in its THIRD incarnation (the first was blown up, the second was destroyed in a storm). Narahn and Gaston reside there on a permanent basis, and the Defenders use it when in town. Refer to the design of the original homestead.

Other notable townspeople: Falco and Gap (of Falco’s Tavern), Felix the Mercenary.

June 10, 2000

Defenders: Party Member Profiles (updated for 2006)

Profiles of the Defenders (or at least, those who I've adventured with! If you want something written here, please send it to me and I'll post it!)

Name: Balinor Buckhannah
Class: Fighter, 9th level (Fighter Lord)
Race: Northerner (human)
Tenure in the Defenders: 2173-2185
Note: Double Hammer Specialist; Bastard Sword Specialist
Played by: Joel Green

Balinor is dour and ugly, and people who meet him quickly grow to dislike
him. In time, however, people can tolerate him, especially those who
understand his cynicism as a personality trait. Perry found him amusing,
and referred to him as "the big guy." Balinor referred to Perry as
"shorty," and to almost everyone else as "kid." To make up for his lack of
social skills, Balinor is a devastating fighter, wielding twin hammers,
both magical. He has named his three non-magical hammers Bessie, Rip, and
Blunt. The first magical one was named "Maiden Basher", after being used to
destory a crystaline elf-maiden golem. Balinor also has an intuitive grasp
of tactics. The second and more powerful magic hammer is named "Wrath,"
and was acquired as a reward for turning in the hammer of dwarven King. He
also has a silver hammer, named "Thud".

Balinor began his career upon finishing training in 2164 as a caravan guard
in Petethal. He spent a long time as a lone fighter, with few friends. His
tactical ability often brought him into conflict with his superiors. His
attitude turned even more sour when he saw failure after ignoring his
plans. A few years ago, he was guarding a caravan that was attacked by
bugbears, and he ran into the woods to chase down one of the fleeing
creatures. Most of the caravan guards were dead, but he was uninjured. The
bugbear, already badly wounded, burst out of the bushes and grabbed him.
Balinor was smashed badly and gained many scars that day, but he eventually
managed to get his hammer around and finish off the monster. He now has a
universal hatred of bugbears.

In 2172, Balinor was involved in a successful adventure that resulted in
the killing of a burrow worm. The lair was looted, and the beaten up party
was returning back home when they were ambushed by bandits, who slew most
people and took all the treasure. This made him even more unpleasant than
before. After training as a result of that adventure, he sailed to Lendore
hoping to work with a more veteran party, and joined the Defenders in
Barnacus in September 2173. There he remained for 12 years, and for a
while was joined by his younger and even larger brother, Kodo.
Balinor's physical appearance has changed from the years of
adventuring. His hair, still a wild mess, is never mussed, and is oddly
full and brown, which is unusual for a Northerner. His grizzled face is
even more so due to an encounter with a ghost that magically aged him. He
has an item, the Arm-a-Armadillo, that gives him the features of an
armadillo (as well as enhanced smell, digging, and jumping abilities, and
toughened skin). He has also acquired great skill with the magical bastard
sword "Little Thoughtless," known to possess bizarre mind-shielding
powers. He also carries two very exotic crossbows, one of dwarven manufacture.

Following the retirement of the Defenders in 2185, Balinor realized that
although he was a great warrior, he would decline with age, and
realistically did possess sufficient charisma to become a feudal leader
anywhere, or in fact even become a guard captain. Realizing that his
skills were limited in the non-adventuring world, and driven by a desire to
become the greatest double hammer fighter of his generation, Balinor sought
out more adventures to increase his power. He intends to continue fighting
until his body declares his career over. Despite constant beatings and the
magical aging, Balinor came out of the Defenders relatively unscathed, and
so was able to hire himself out with Cassian to an adventuring party out of
Teft, named "The Wreckers." They adventured together for four years, until
an ogre mage nearly destroyed the party. The party broke up, with Cassian
heading to the Fane of the Winds, and Balinor was left without a party once

Seeking advice, Balinor returned to his hometown in Latt, along with
Kodo. There he found the Nevronian cleric Morhion, and they hit it off as
well as can be expected in any interaction involving Balinor. After saving
his hometown from marauding frost giants, Balinor and Morhion headed back
to Lendore Isle, where Balinor was titled a Fighter Lord, and driven into
debt from his training. This prompted Balinor in early 2191 to form a new
mostly Nevronian party called "the Killer Bees" including himself, Morhion,
new dwarven companion Bodkin, and old friends Albee and Anselm.

Balinor hoped to hook up in the future with a powerful ally, as it seemed
likely that Albee and Anselm would not fall into Balinor's general
adventuring scheme. Morty the bard literally fell out of a mirror onto
Balinor during a combined adventure with the Seapoint Lightning, and
they formed the core of a new party called "the Band", along with Tarplin
the druid, and a small supporting cast including Bodkin, Robynne, Morhion and Leo, in 2192. Since then, the party has been on various missions for Duke Haermond of Barnacus.

Balinor's companions:

Morhion Gendahar, Northerner Cleric of Nevron, 3rd level

Morhion is a sturdy and loyal friend to Balinor who was drawn to adventure
by the tales of Balinor's time with the Restenford Defenders. He is not
particularly bright, but he is articulate and diplomatic, and acts as
Balinor's voice on social matters. He wears magical banded mail and wields
the hammer, like his "boss."

Bodkin Goldsummit, Dwarven Fighter, 5th level (played by Katherine Anderson)

Bodkin Goldsummit is a dwarven spear specialist who heard about
Balinor's great fighting prowess and sought the warrior out. He hums
absently whenever the party stops to rest or search, and seems fairly
paranoid, an excellent survival trait for any green adventurer who hooks up
with Balinor. He is an avid and experienced gambler AND teamster (a
good-natured Jimmy Hoffa?), and has very strong healing and anatomy skills.

Name: Albee
Class: Monk, 7th level (Superior Master)
Race: Human
Tenure in the Defenders: 2181-2185
Note: Spear Wielder, Nevronian
Played by: NPC

Albee was the final addition to the Defenders. He was recruited to help the
party with lockpicking and searching for traps. He saved the party on an
early adventure by being able to evade a huge number of devastating
fireballs. Albee is very good natured and likes to spend his free time
outdoors. The party has many conspiracy theories about his origin, but no
real evidence.

After the breakup of the party in 2185, Albee worked in the Church of
Nevron in Barnacus, under Archbishop Aware. Albee adventured with Balinor
once again during 2191 in the "Killer Bees".

Name: Cassian
Class: Cleric, 9th level (High Priestess of Phaulkon)
Race: Half-Elf
Tenure in the Defenders: 2173-2176, 2178-2185
Played by: Katherine Anderson

Cassian is a cleric of Phaulkon, god of Weather and the Sky. She is
charming and cheerful, and the party welcomes her counterbalancing
influence on Balinor. She wields the composite longbow and sling. Cassian
has a great interest in history and local lore, and is a strong swimmer as
well. She joined the party during the winter of 2173-4, and took a leave of
absence to work with the Teft church from the summer of 2176 til 2178. She
returned to the party, but still planned to depart one day and work amongst
the cloud giants. These plans were put on hold when Cassian's taste for
long-term adventuring increased.

After the party broke up in 2185, Cassian adventured with Balinor and a
party out of Teft called The Wreckers. In 2189, following near wipeout by
an ogre mage, the party broke up and Cassian joined up with Alegra to free
the Fane of the Winds, a holy site for Phaulkon. In 2191, Cassian joined
with Warwick to form a party dedicated to Phaulkon above all else. She and
Warwick have continued their high risk adventuring lifestyle in the
mountains near Shabrund.

Cassian's Companions:

Bogomel, Fighter, Spear Specialist, 5th level

Bogomel is Cassian's henchman. Mel is handsome and has vast physical
talents, but is greatly lacking in intelligence. Cassian is slowly training
him to be loyal to the party and Phaulkonian church, and he recites daily
the prayers she has taught him. Mel is a
specialist with the spear. Since melee weapons are banned for Phaulkonian
clerics, he serves as a valuable bodyguard for Cassian in addition to his
regular job of carrying much of her gear.

Willis, a Mage, 3rd level

Sirse, Cassian's owl friend/familiar/favorite bird

Lily, Cleric/Fighter 2/1

June 08, 2000


Summon Potted Plant
Level 1

This spell creates a plant, in a pot if preferred. The caster can choose the type of plant merely by selecting the appropriate seed. The material components for this spell are seeds, soil, sunlight, and water. The casting time is 6 months- 1year.

The reverse of this spell, Destroy Potted Plant, allows the caster to destroy a plant, in a pot if preferred. There are two versions of this spell. The material components for the month casting time version are: lack of sunlight, lack of soil, lack of water. The short form, 6 segments, requires as a component a knife. The knife is not consumed in the casting.

Other related spells include: Summon Potted Plants, 10’ Radius, Detect Potted Plant, Locate Potted Plant, and Power Weed, Kill.

Call Lightning (Reflexive)
Level 1

This spell summons a bolt of lightning centered on the caster during a storm. The material component is an iron rod, which is waved vigorously during casting. There is no saving throw allowed.

Power Word, Dig

This allows the caster to dig a large hole, sized as desired. The material component is a large shovel, which is used by the caster.

Power Word, Die
Level 2

The material components are a weapon and an unconscious opponent. The casting time is six segments.

Level 1

The material component is a loaded hand crossbow, which is pointed at the target while the command is stated. The target may make a check versus wisdom, success indicating that he obeys the command.


The material component is a set of barbells and some motivation. Casting Time: Life.

Speak to Animals

This allows the caster to make stupid noises at animals. Comprehension is not conferred by this spell.

Level 1

Stuff blows up. The material component is a flaming flask of Greek fire.

Acid Blast
Level 2

On a successful to hit roll the target is sprayed with acid, causing damage and light wounds. The material component is a flask of acid which is hurled at the target.

Speak With Living
Level 1
Verbal Components only, though Somatic components help.

This spell allows the caster to communicate with other living beings. This spell does not confer comprehension to either party.

Speak With Living, 10’ Radius/ Shout
Level 1

This spell allows the caster to communicate loudly with other living beings in a 10’ radius.

Charm Person with Money

This spell allows the caster to encourage a target to do his bidding. The material component is a 10000 gp gem.

Locate Nearby Object
Material component: Object to be located.

Find the Path
Material Component: Map.