Defenders Summary #91: Resolution—We’ve Got HOW Many Magic Items?
Final Party Roster:
Balinor, 8th level fighter, 76 hp, played by Joel
Felix, 8th level fighter, 75 hp, played by Alex
Cassian, 8th level cleric, 51 hp, played by Katherine
Bogomel, 5th level fighter, 47 hp, henchman
Kain, 7th level cleric, 45 hp, played by Jeff
Alduin, 9th level thief, 45 hp, played by Vic
Quentin, 9th level druid, 44 hp, played by Jeremy
Donald, 8th level mage, 43 hp, NPC (played by Edwin)
Albee, 7th level monk, 42 hp, NPC (played by Edwin)
Morgan, 8th level fighter, 39 hp, played by Alan
Nakumanu, 5th level fighter, 32 hp, henchman
Chiaro, 6th level illusionist, 12 hp, played by Aaron
Former Defenders, Retired:
Kodo, 5th level woodsman, 59 hp, played by Rob
Drew, 4th level ranger, 34 hp, played by Jack
Perry, 6th level thief, 17 hp, played by Sean
Narahn, 3rd level fighter, 16 hp, played by Dave
Gaston, 2nd level fighter, 12 hp, played by Sean
Phoenix, 1st level cleric, 7 hp, played by Jeff
Colin, 1st level mage/thief, 2 hp, played by Sean
Former Defenders, Deceased:
Darellon, 1st level woodsman, 20 hp, played by Joel
Ethan, 1st level woodsman, 13 hp, played by Kyle
Tyveris, 2nd level cleric, 12 hp, played by Joel
Grison, 1st level fighter, 11 hp, played by Sean
Soldan, 1st level cleric, 9 hp, played by Alex
Lynore, 1st level thief, 7 hp, played by Aaron
Celeste, 1st level cleric, 6 hp, played by Sean
Haladir, 1st level thief, 5 hp, played by Aaron
Annwvyn, 1st level thief, 4 hp, played by Alan
With a Supporting Cast And Thanks to:
Baron Grellus, Peltar, Almax, and Philip of Restenford (and Peltar’s apprentices)
Duke Haermond of Barnacus
The Petethalian Navy
The Seapoint Lightning
The Flaming Fist
The Hand of Fate
Dunstill and Illic
Wicker of Poseidonus
Alarius of Wunka
And many others…
And thanks to Kyle, largely unnoticed behind the scenes of the Defenders, offering helpful suggestions and advice… and numerous other players and observers for their advice, suggestions, and general cheering and sympathy.
The final game wasn’t a game really, but mostly a firm resolution to our magic items situation. In terms of other details:
The Defenders officially disbanded on June 21st, 2185. Stone Soules players may recognize this date—it is the SAME day on which Tellah/Zardos was removed and Soules officially disbanded. Brings the Cornell parties together, in addition to the physical meetings of several of their members in the final days of the parties.
The unofficial disbanding took place in the Dwarven Vale in the mountains, where Felix, Donald, and Nakumanu left to join the dwarves of Clanggeddin, Felix hoping to generate a holy quest to turn his fist-sized diamond into a useful item.
The other Defenders arrived back on Lendore Isle in Barnacus, largely intact. Chiaro’s arm was cured by the Potion of Vitality, leaving everyone, for the most part, intact. The official retirement party was held on September 8, 2185, when the Defenders took out the case of fireworks we acquired during our battle with the ogre mage at Hafney Hill, and fired them off in a huge celebration!
This was the official end of the recorded history of the Defenders.
We leave the party with several people without shouting distance of their next level, with Felix, Balinor, Morgan, Kain, Chiaro within 12,000 XP of their next level.
And now, an official Defenders’ Party Secret:
Actually, this is even more secret than that, being known only to Quentin, Chiaro’s trainer Lambu, and Peacemaker (not Felix).
Chiaro-scuro is psionic.
Yes, you heard it here, but you didn’t actually hear it.
Chiaro has several neat powers that he will take great pains to hide (though Kain may soon be informed).
The Defenders Plans:
Here is the planned split of the party:
Felix, Nakumanu, and Donald will work with the dwarves, hoping to power-level/ continue adventuring. Donald has said that he finds Peacemaker and Nakumanu to be the most fun to talk to in the party. Felix’s plans are fame and fortune, while Nakumanu plans to become a scholar of sorts, and Donald intends to extend his lifespan somehow. As Donald is literally rolling in spells, who knows? Certainly 9th level is not far in the future.
Albee returned to the Church with his donation of 10,000 gp, pleased that he had done good work and hoping to join a bit more “Nevronian” party.
Cassian and Bogomel, along possibly with Drew, will be joining the Fane of the Winds Quest in 2190, though there will be an intermission of 5 years during which other things may occur.
Quentin will assume Almax’s position in Restenford, which is quite significant, though the details are of course obscure, this being the druids and all. He is moving to a new grove with his pet skink.
Alduin, Morgan, Kain, and Chiaro are forming a new “stealth” party. This party is designed to be anti-humanoid and skilled in reconnaissance, stealth, and hit-and-run missions. They plan to work for the Petethalian Navy or maybe Dunstill and Illic. In the future, Rangorn may attempt to join this party (following the Fane Quest).
Balinor is as yet undecided. It looks as though he will find a low responsibility job and house in one of the major coastal cities of the Sea of Pastures, hoping to sell his services and find a group to join and continue his progression as a great fighter, perhaps achieving fame despite his actual personality.
And now, for the list of our treasure and magic items:
Each party member received about 6000 gp as the Small Town and Rite were sold to Dunador and the School of Wizardry respectively for a total of 40,000 gp and several new and powerful containment devices.
Parting Gifts:
Drew-- +1 arrow, 2 1st flight arrows+1, 400 gp
Perry—2 short arrows+1, 400 gp
Kodo—500 gp
Narahn—2 short arrows+1 (first flight), 100 gp
Phoenix—50 gp
Colin—50 gp
Gaston—250 gp
And now… (and no, it is not an accident that Mindwaster ended up on the 3 intelligence fighter…)
Magic Item List for the Restenford Defenders
Plate Mail+2
Hammer +2 (Wrath)
Hammer +1 (Maiden Basher)
Ring of Heroism
Ring of Protection from Evil
Bastard Sword +2 (Little Thoughtless)
Potions of Climbingx2, Extra-Healing, Clairaudience, Levitate
Spear of Wounding+2
Robe of Pouches
Ring of Toad Control
Ring +2
Mouse of Cats
Cloak +2
Bracers AC 4/10
Potion of Healing
Scrolls of Call Lightning (level 8), Cure Serious (level 6)
Scimitar +1
Bracelet of Beneficent Polymorph (11 charges, once per day)
Ring of Marsupial Control (10/15/20 HD)
Everyman Armor (Umber Hulk Armor, AC 3/3)
Sharkskin Armor +2 (AC 7/7)
Girdle of Many Pouches (64x 10cn pouches)
Dagger +2 (Unnamed)
Sling Bullets of Concussive Force x2 (3d10 concussive damage)
Candles of True Faith (+2 levels when praying for spells, 25% failure chance)
Circlet of Spells (page 27, currently Cleric 5 spell Rainbow)
Scrolls, 4 clerical, one druidic (Neutralize Poison)
Dagger +3
Ring/Dagger of Concealment +2
Bracers AC 7/7
Ring of Protection +2
Cloak of Camouflage
Lens of Detection (extreme perception, 1’ range)
Token of Door
8 Arrows+1
18 Arrows+1 (first-flight)
Longsword +2/+3 vs. giants
12 +2 first-flight arrows
Elven Chain Mail
Girdle of Hill Giant Strength
Boots of Elvenkind
Ring +2/+4 on saves
Ring of Health
Chain of the Warlords
Bag of Holding 600/2000
Banded Mail +2
Small Shield with W Rune (+2)
Ring of Warmth
Ring of Featherfall
Pearl of Godly Wisdom
Hand Haversack (200/1200), +2 to +6 on saves
4 +2 first-flight long arrows
6 +1 permanent +1 arrows
Wings of Flying
Belt of Fire Alteration (6 charges)
1 Sling Bullet of Concussive Force
2 Candles of True Faith
Token of Arch
Protection from Elementals Scroll
Magic Camp Stove (very little fuel)
Ring of Warmth
Spear +1
Plate Mail +1
Dagger +2 (Mindwaster)
½ Share of Circlet
Bracers AC 6/6
Brooch of Shielding (20 charges)
Wand of Magic Missiles (less than 10 charges)
Ring of Protection +1
Bead of Force
Figurine of Wondrous Power (owl)
Backpack of Holding (40/1000)
Philter of Persausiveness
Scroll of Maze (11th level), Scroll of Wall of Fog/ Change Self (8th level)
Shield of the Stallion
Ring +1
Ring of Invisibility
Boots of Silence
Bag of Holding (200/600)
Potions of Healing, Flying (+50% duration), Waterbreathing
Falchion +1/+3 vs. Regenerating Creatures
Spear +1
Plate Mail +1
Shield of Healing (19 charges)
Potions of Healing, Flying
Robe of Magic Resistance
Brooch of Shielding (17 charges)
Bracers AC 5/10
Ring +2
Ring of Jumping (9 charges)
Dagger +2, Longtooth
Wand of Magic Missiles (100 charges)
15 Magic User scrolls of up to Level 6
Amulet of True Faith
Staff-spear +1 (extend-o-spear)
Iron Thread
Iron Bands of Binding (wire ball)
Yes, there you have it.
Any questions?
A summary of the Defenders’ History will be following, and I’ll eventually be posting my accumulated Defenders’ History in Brief on the Telvar Pages.
I hope you enjoyed our adventures.
Many thanks to Edwin, and Katherine, for meeting us for 91 weekends of gaming, and for all the good times at Cornell! I will miss everyone who was involved in my experiences there, and hope to see you all again, as well as meeting some new players at the next Open!
And now, the torch will soon be passed from Cornell, back to North Carolina, to the city of Charlotte, where our GM our will be assuming his new career, along with his new bride.
Good luck to you both.
And perhaps, just maybe, I’ll be down in North Carolina soon, to join whoever ends up with Telvar there…
I don’t doubt it.
Joel David Green
Player of:
Balinor, warrior of the Defenders
Tyveris, deceased
Darellon, deceased
Rangorn, woodsman of the Stone Soules
Han, Braigon, Cam, henchmen of Rangorn
Luke, deceased
Arutha, of the Seapoint Lightning
Mask, deceased
… and a few others, lost in the mists of time…
P.S. Many thanks on the summaries and the webpage including but not limited to:
Kyle MacLea
David Chappell
See the Defenders on the Web at
See the Telvar pages at
Enjoy all!