Summary XXXVI: Castle Exploration and the Revelation of the Death of Tan-El
Castle walls:
We completed the mapping of the Castle area by searching the walls for
trapdoors. We found two things of interest:
- some sort of spectre, haunt, or ghost that was rather easily destroyed
but reformed fairly quickly. It did NOT detect as evil. I suppose that a
rest eternal might put the spirit to rest before it reforms. Abjure and
Exorcism might also work.
- the entrance to the Castle Gatehouse complex. Many automata there. One
recent steel door. Castle defenses strong here.
Clearing blocks:
We cleared two whole blocks and searched the previously Sacrol controlled
area of two other blocks. Multiple small encounters. We fight a Banshee
beatle which was stunned by Sahrak's colorspray and quickly killed by
Ceydric, Claude, Xavier, Aria, and Eli.
Gatehouse: we spent the night in the Gatehouse. During the night we
noticed an illusion that lasted several hours and covered a huge area:
Thousands of people rushed the Gatehouse. They couldn't get through.
Hundreds were being stampeded and crushed by the huge mass of panicked
townspeople desperately attempting to escape. Occassionally a small
cluster of people would just die- their bodies horribly twisted and
burnt. Piles of dead bodies began to build up near the Gatehouse entrance.
Next a group of soldiers began driving for the gate- they pressed
furiously and started swinging weapons and killing the townspeople in
their path. Townspeope fought back by bashing the soldiers with their
bundles of possessions. Horrible death toll was building. Soon the
soldiers lost their unity in formation- broken by the sheer mass of
hundreds of panicked and dying townspeople.
Then we saw a group of clerics and priest coming from the direction of
the Temple district. There appears to be multiple small groups and one
big group of priest- In the center of the big group is one distinct
priest which appears to be the focal point. Amidst the mass panic and
confusion of the carnage, there is a remarkable calm in this group which
slowly makes its way towards the Gatehouse.
After a while, however, the main focal priest falls dead. The calm is
broken and the group of priests break up. Yet after alittle while the
different groups of priests join together to form another, smaller group.
This group makes it a good ways to the gatehouse before a cluster of
priests in the center die and the groups breaks up.
For the next hour, pure carnage is seen. The pile of bodies in front of
the gatehouse reaches six feet. Hundreds perish and the masses appear to
be growing more depleted.
Finally, only individuals are left running in multiple directions,
tripping over the thousands dead. They all would run around until
eventually they died, limbs blown apart by some unseen force.
After 5 hours or so the illusion stopped.
Downtime- Ceydric, Xavier, Sahrak, and Claude trained. Eli got spells,
Alegra found out about the shadow. Items were identified. Ceydric was the
first knight to be knighted in the reign of the new king.
On the way to Teft, Xavier was killed by a Wyvern. Luckly the Wyvern was
killed and his body recovered. He was raised, although things looked
pretty bad for awhile.
The end result is that the group should be reassembled in Middle by mid
November in order to conduct the bugbear attacks.
Other information:
Puzzle box: Will improve INT if you succeed, otherwise drive you mad
"Summit" Falchion Sword: Sword of Command. Allows you to lead troops
better. Raises Charisma. Has addictive side effects. If
someone had it for "more than a month or two" the sage wouldn't want to
take it away from them.
2H-Sword: Affects outer-planar creatures, good and bad and indifferent.
Appears to be a "devastating" weapon to outer planar creatures, and
probably can retain its powers and maybe even grow stronger on some other
planes, though the outer planes themselves would likely destroy it.
Whether "devastate" is +4, or includes other powers is unknown.
Shadow: "Deathservant" Basically, it is my soul, in reserve. Provides
a "backup" soul, in case you die, ahve your soul destroyed, etc. If this
happens, it immediately pops back into your body and you are at full health.
Only works once. All found on scroll, and all come from the reserve, at
least to his experience.
Oh, yeah, and the "Fencing Gauntlet" which we found in the Castle wall.
It gives +1 to all one handed melee weapons held in the right hand.
An incident occured some time during the time Alegra was reading _The Tale
of Years_. Ceydric's men-at-arms (in the Tan-El Library with Tellah) had a
story to tell us about it.
Normally their duties were to remain in the Library and wait for a knock,
look who it was, and let us in. They had lots of food and could remain a
long time. Though we were the only people who ever came to the Library (it
being in the middle of Tan-El), we still wanted them to check who it was,
for obvious reasons. Luckily, the men-at-arms decided to look who it was
before opening the door when a knock came [They made their intelligence
checks]. Outside, a man in plate armor, carrying a mace, knocked on the
door (with his mace). In a reasonable imitation of Ceydric, he spoke, "Men,
I'm here with the food." They did not let him in.
We have spoken before about the possibility of [insane] anarchists getting
into the Library and trying to free Tellah/Zardos. This is one more nail in
the coffin of the anarchists, in my opinion. "Bruce," the anarchist (with
magical Retaliatory Plate Armor), attempted to stall the starting of Middle
by sabotaging supply caravans years ago. We have had evidence of his
activity over time, causing monetary loss here and there to the Colony, only
indirectly to us. This fits his description. We can think of no one else
who would be interested in getting into the Library. Note also that we
didn't exactly try to spread the news about Tellah, but when you have
men-at-arms stationed inside, word will undoubtedly be spread
unintentionally. So, interested parties might have an open ear for such things.
Alegra's opinion on the anarchists, which might appear inconsistent at
first, is that they must be dealt with harshly. She is all for personal
freedoms, but she doesn't believe that ANY action resulting in the "death of
thousands of innocents" can be properly justified for defending liberties.
She is all in favor of locating, confronting, and destroying the anarchists.
(Call her Neutral Good if you want,) but the potential action by the
anarchists is nothing but evil, in her mind.
Does anyone agree?
(Provisional) Government of Tan-El