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Stone Soules Summary XIb: A Sick and Twisted Playground

Telvar is now alot more interesting than what it appeared to be before
yesterday. I read alot of weird fantasy, spy thrillers, and sci-fi
suspense, so I like sick and twisted playgrounds. The element of intrigue
is a welcome alternative to the tradition adventure of killing monsters and
getting treasure.

Of course we did that too. Killed 10 fire giants and a party of adventures
of respectible skill. We did this with only half the party, but of course
we did have help and the element of surprise.

Let me go back to the beginning of the evening yesterday as the party
continued through the jungle of the Tusloa (sp). While heading towards the
volcano, hawk spotted many people. Ludo investagated and found a city
of Tusloa. We decided not to remain in the area, and we continued towards
the volcano (corner rock). After crossing a river the next day, we were
attacked that evening by Tuslow. From above they attacked with javelins
coated with powerful poison. Eli's sleep spell caused five of them to fall
to their death- this broke up the attack. We continued traveling.

After a day or so, after passing tusloa totems facing the direction we
were going, we came upon an old road. This road led to an old temple
sacrificial place and led further on to the lair of Borglin. We decided to
pull the a rope which turned out to be the doorbell. After fleeing to
consider our course of action, we later returned with a negotiating group
of Faranyn, Pap, Xavier, Eli, and (invisible) Ludo. We then proclaimed to
the orge answering the door that we wished to discuss the ransum of Earl
Belzar. We were then led in to talk to Borglin himself.

Borglin had agreed to turn the Earl and his bodyguard to a group at this
stone palace 4 hours away (by roc- 14 days by land) for 10,000 gp. He was
suposed to meet them tomorrow at 10:00. For 3,500 gp, he agreed to make
one trip prior to the meeting and carry up to five of the party. The party
ultimately accepted this offer and Faranyn, Cassana, Xavier, Eli and Ludo
were eventually carried close to the meeting site where they could ambush
the group retrieving the Earl.

For another 3,500 gp, Borglin gave us some very interesting additional
information. The information of interest is as follows:

The Earl paid Borglin to kidnap him and kill all the merchants, drovers,
and guards except the Earl's personal bodyguard.

The caravan the Earl was with was carrying weapons for the fire giants
around the End area (enough for 200). These giants were the unfriendly
ones which besieged the fire giant city near middle. This city rebelled
against the central fire giant clan rule and the latter wishes to attack
and defeat the city. They also may have hostile intentions against End and
Middle and 200 of them can definitly do alot of damage (Middle would be
overrun, probably End as well)

The Earl decided to fake a kidnapping and sell the weapons to someone
else. He did not have the proper payments for Borglin, who took the Earl,
his bodyguard, the weapons, and the head merchant, which may have
important political ties and may be of great help to political enemies of
the Earl.

Borglin wishes to ransom the merchant as well. We discussed her ransom,
but were unable/unwilling to pay the 8,000 gp he requested.

The area near the lair of Borglin is infested with undead at night.

Borglin's roc is nested high above Borglin's lair.

The Earl believed that he was being rescued from Borglin's lair. He
doesn't know about the transfer at Stone Palace.

While Borglin was flying to the meeting the next morning, a group of 10
fire giants from the central fire giant clan as well as a party of
adventures (cleric, mage, invisible dwarf fighter or thief, and two other
fighters) came to Borglin's lair and started to overwhelm the
defenses/pets. There objective was to ransack the lair and retrieve the
weapons which everybody believed to be in Borglin's lair.

While the remaining party of five: Allegra, Theo, Claude, Jerem, and Pap
were leaving the area, they were approached by a party of four fire giants
from the fire giant city. They sought aid in an attempt to ambush the
another fire giant party. Our party agreed and set up for an ambush.

We ambushed the other fire giants and attacked them from the rear as they
were advancing into Borglin's lair and overwhelming his defenses.

We were completely successful. We killed the fire giant Shaman, the
party mage and cleric during the first few segments. Attacking them from
the rear as well as the distraction of Borglin's pets in the lair proved
to be decisive. One of the four fire giants helping us is unconscious, and
claude was badly wounded as well as the other three fire giants. All ten
enemy giants was well as the humanoid party were killed.

This is where we ended (at 0400 saturday morning!)

This is all the time I can spare for this now. Everyone feel free to add
information that I left out.



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