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Stone Soules Summary IXb: Answers to the Stone Soules Quiz (devised by Kyle) on People We've Met

1.Hawk Fist-Slam U.Hack-and-slash brief member of the SS
-> Y.Former Ranger member of the SS, not Alegra's friend
2.Vidannallos BB.Cleric near Southern Waste, fought a Beholder
3.Laird the Druid* DD.Helped Kergul
4.Fyar the Druid* CC.Took care of Dranigh at one point
5.Antarcus EE.Renegade Ranger "wanted for questioning"
6.Demitrius AA.Frazzled old guy delivered to on Turney's journey
7.Fenn* M.Caravan leader after Turney
8.Finn T.Assassin worshipper of Sharkaas
9.Sobair O.Champion of End, fought anarchists
10.Jonias II.Knight at Anchor Rock
11.Grien G.Alegra's former Falcon.
12.Jana Marina Bendallis H.Former thief member of the SS
13.Turkonis* X.Half-elf cleric, former member of the SS
14.Turkaneous* F.Alegra's horse
15.Derek Blackstone D.Ranger leader of The Knife
16.Alvin E.Started an adventuring group March 15, 2167
17.Alexis I.Traitor at Molehill's
18.Bruce P.Our friendly anarchist insurgent
19.Norall J.Champion of Dunador, jousted on Dunthrane Day
20.Kirkroy N.Champion of Andevar, jousted on Dunthrane Day
21.Laura of Baranar S.Cleric who left the party due to Alegra's cowardice
in battle
22.Zhrogruckz Z.Bugbear chief killed by the Lesser Ones
23.Ghizorak R.Enemy of Ceydric, member of Fleshrenders clan
24.Zaras Q.Half-elf we saved in Tan-El
25.Mierin* FF.Merchant who thinks he's a snake
26.Milf GG.Zaras' mage companion
27.Rat C.Borin's henchman
28.Eunice B.Kid Ludo pretended to be
29.Kendall Y.Former Ranger member of the SS, not Alegra's friend
-> U.Hack-and-slash brief member of the SS
X.Half-elf cleric, former member of the SS
30.Bernard Hemps HH.Possessed by Kergul
31.Dranigh Cye A.Former Ranger member of the SS, Alegra's friend
32.Tap* V.Sergeant hired in Teft on our first "Independent
33.Spencer* K.Guy who ran a timber caravan Dranigh was on
34.Keefan W.Ranger who came to Dranigh's funeral
35.Geranth* L.Guy who trained Borin the final time he was a member
of the SS

* are the ones Edwin got wrong.


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