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Stone Soules Summary: Sphinx's End Game

Sphinx met us, told us he was moving south. Asked Snag to come with him to be his front-man, said he'd pay 10,000 gp to load his wagons and move him. We agreed Snag & Quick would leave and would get this money as their share. We also talked him into giving us good rates on a few questions-in particular, we asked him to tell us about the major forces in the city.

Then we decided to attack the pagoda (the one with the force field around it).

The gate was locked, and when Snag tried to break it down he took 46 hp of damage and six wounds-bad for one's health! So we came back the next day and Alegra dispelled it (well, one section), then Dahri used stone-shape to make a secret door leading through the wall. We went in and saw some cool gardens. Then we went to the front door where a talking doorknob told us we couldn't go in. Eli talked to it, with the admirable assistance of Ludo's and Alegra's acting skills, and got the three of them inside. There a robot butler showed them the sitting room but whenever he checked, the master wasn't available. They snuck upstairs and found some undead creature, which attacked them. Then they left. Next day we came back, and again the three of them talked their way past the doorknob (we must be the only party ever to out-talk a doorknob!) and got the whole party in. Once inside, we snuck around some; killed the undead creature; discovered a locked room with at least 7-10 physical/magical traps on the door (and another with about 4-5), found some cool magic stuff including a waterproof cloak which Dahri kept, a couple of other things I can't remember at the moment, and a high magic splotch on the carpet (which we didn't take).

We left, and held the hobgoblin wedding. Then a day-or-so later, Gerald announced that he was leaving. That was where we left it!

I think "standard Dunadorian tournament" is about right. I think the Wedding would have to be separate, tho'... with any `hobgoblin' events saved for a place slightly removed from the city.


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