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Stone Soules Summary: Notes on Tan-El Adventures

The city is recorded as the City of the Lightning's Call in records and is discussed very briefly as a northern city of great wealth and physical ease. The city was a sort of strange separatist place and seemed to discourage contact with the outside world.

The object that is designed to fall apart looks like a grenade. They have been used with green slime in the past.
Most of th ebooks are valueless, three are magical research texts, the only books of interest are Gertov's Guide to Setient Thought (45 volumes, similar to Blackmov's, approx value 3,000 gp): a definitive psychology text.
The bookshelves that retard flame are a standard magic item of great value to scholars and wizards. Worth 2,000-5,000 gp each depending on the buyer.

The Bell
We basically know just about everything concerning the bell. When something breaks the plane of the bell, it starts to ring; this sets the bell on active mode and summons an invisible creature that waits until you disturb something and then it hits you on the head for about 15-24 points of damage. The creature will continue to attack until you break the plane of the door. It will follow after you if you are carrying the command bar (a metal magnet-like bar that fits underneath the bell to deactivate it).

The party seems to have no intent to sell the bell unless they get big cash for it, and even then, some want to keep it for the castle since they know how to control it. You would have great difficulty getting it unless Alegra or Eli agreed to help you get steal it... If you want to buy it, you better have a pretty good offer.

We found a bottle that was right next to the grenade and was filled with a para-elemental explosive apparently used during some war or other in history. It is currently illegal as a use in war, and we are pretty certain the grenade is filled with the same explosive.


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