Stone Soules Summary: Middle-of-the-Road and Miscellaneous Questions Answered Regarding Earlier Adventures
Middle-of-the-Road (Middle) - town within the Barony of End tied strongly to the Dunadorian Central Government by virtue of its leadership. It is located off the North Trade Track on the way to the End-of-the-Road. A keep is under construction, with the main fortress being currently the tower of the Soulestone. Middle is magic friendly and open to many good and neutral religions, unlike much of Dunador. It is within easy distance to adventuring sites. It has a Blue Star Inn. [note: we hope to make into a barony with End becoming a Duchy someday; we'll see.] Population: unknown.
>I have a few questions about things in the log:
>what is a "hide-behind"?
We don't really know, just that they are small grey creatures with lots of teeth that are invisible when alive but appear when dead, that can only be seen in mirrors when alive. They like to try strangle you and/or plug you with poison daggers. We have an antidote to their poison.
> what's the status of End in relation to Dunador?
It is a part of Dunador that does not pay taxes at the moment, that won't until at least Trent does, I believe.
The demonspawn are the snake worshippers: the Sphinx calls them snake worshippers and they turn people in to snakes whenever they get the chance. We know that they feed snakes up on the ridge (our territory). Alegra when she initially saw them (rollled against history-folklore) thought, "demonspawn," due to their altered and malignant appearance (claws for hands on some, cat eyes on another). We alternate terms because we're not sure which they are. We are glad this last encounter shows that they can be killed.
The Beithir
The beihir, though, is known for throwing voices and taunting people. There seems no limit to his power... the longer he lives the more powerful he becomes, too. He is essentially immortal, being about 5,500 years old or thereabouts. Edwin constantly tells us about the name level party that both sides found it agreeable just to parley -- not fight one another! About four or five Adventuring Reserve parties and S.M.A.R.T. all decided that the beithir was a little too dangerous for them and/or were destroyed mercilessly by Rosaroc.
Fighting Demonspawn
It was suggested by the party that a magical weapon was needed to hurt demonspawn. Yet, the party's only magic weapon, they claimed in conversation, was a magic knife that Ludo the halfling had back at middle and a morning star that the commander of the garrison uses. They did not have time to go back and were trying to decide on the action. Gerald revealed he had a magic sword and Theo made it clear that he did not. It was even suggested that Theo use Gerald's sword, but Gerald argued that since Theo does not have long sword proficiency that Gerald using it would be better. Both attacked and it was clear both weapons hurt the demonspawn. The demonspawn they attacked before Gerald appeared was seeeming unphased by an arrow hit but they are now starting to attribute this to high hit points.
Kyle (& Edwin)