The Third Telvar Open Tournament: Character Sheets
Character summaries from the Third Telvar Open, July 11, 1992.
All written by Edwin Brooks Anderson, Jr., the Dungeon Master.
Argaltan, "Arr" Lawful Neutral
Planning Squad Guard Fighter Level 6
You are a career army man whose primary interest is in preserving order and supporting the laws of your country. You enjoy the order and logic to the Drake army. You see your leaders as a bit violent, but they protect the people and do a good job. You are friends with the engineer Kal, a mousey guy. You also like Man, but you feel sorry for him. The scribe is dragged along on your maneuvers like so much dead weight. You have been assigned the specific task of protecting him. Syber seems very worried he will die if the group is ever even threatened.
Your Squad:
Syber Leader, Steward Level 8/ Scimitar User
Tactician Level 8 Vicious, a genius
Cramyr Steward Level 4/ Broad Sword User
Strategist Level 2 Syber's best friend, smart
Jance Merchant Level 8/ Long Bow User
Fighter Level 3
Palk Political Scientist Level 5 Ranseur User
Fighter Level 2
Man Scribe Level 6 Friendly, whimpy
Kal Engineer Level 4/ Short Sword User and Artillerist
Fighter Level 4 Your friend
PLUS on assignment away form Blackstone:
Flip Diplomat Dunthrane Representative
Mal Diplomat Sarkian Ambassador
Dale Diplomat Realmish Ambassador
Long Sword:
Speed: 3 1/3
To Hit: +3
Damage: +3
On Horseback:
Speed: 2.5
To Hit: Additional +1
Berkley of Salmas Lawful Neutral/
Leader Combat Unit Lawful Good
Fighter Level 7/
Tactician Level 8
You are the leader of the most successful combat group in the Drake armed forces. Your leadership combined with a strong sense of comradeship has brought you a long way. You would trust any of your men with your life and expect them to do the same. You are the second most decorated officer in the entire army, second to a planning squad leader named Syber. You are on a rest rotation at Blackstone, taking a break from your typical raids on Realmish supply depots just over the border.
You are loyal to the people of Dunador first and foremost, your men second, Eldrin third, and then your noble house leader. You are a noble of house Salmas and take your responsibility as a role model seriously. If this means dying, then it is worth it if you give a good example to enough young people.
Your Squad:
Lob Steward Level 6 Battle Axe User
Sim Fighter Level 6 Bastard Sword User
Drew Fighter Level 5 Light Crossbowman
Bolvis Fighter Level 4/ Footman's Mace
Cleric of Nevron Level 4
Billy Ranger Level 3 Spearman
Lit Fighter Level 5 Long Bow User
Nan Fighter Level 4/ Short Sword User
Strategist Level 3
Todd Fighter Level 4 Long Sword User
Farn Trainer Level 6 Spearman
Speed: 5/6
To Hit: +3
Damage: +2
Short Sword:
Speed: 2
Billy "Goat" Gruff Lawful Good
Combat Unit
Ranger Level 3
You are a scout for the most successful comabat unit in the Drake army. You specialize in over the border raids on supply depots and advance scouting posts. You were heros as a group for your advance work in the Realmish-Dunador battles of recent years. All of you are proud of your heritage as a group. You respect Berkley greatly and trust the members of your group implicitly.
You are loyal to Berkley and the others in your group first, and the people of Dunador second. Serving in the army is just one way to protect the people of Dunador.
You specialize in camouflaging the group and its camps. Your skills in the wilderness are well known.
Your Squad:
Berkley Fighter Level 7/ Throws Darts,
Tactician Level 8 Squad Leader
Sim Fighter Level 6 Bastard Sword User
Lob Steward Level 6 Battle Axe User
Drew Fighter Level 5 Light Crossbowman
Bolvis Fighter Level 4/ Footman's Mace
Cleric of Nevron Level 4
Lit Fighter Level 5 Long Bow User
Nan Fighter Level 4/ Short Sword User
Strategist Level 3
Todd Fighter Level 4 Long Sword User
Farn Trainer Level 6 Spearman
Speed: 7
To Hit: +4
Damage: +4
Thrown Spear:
Speed: 6
To Hit: +1
Damage: +1
Bolvis Ossle Lawful Good
Combat Unit
Fighter Level 4/
Cleric of Nevron Level 4
You are a fighter in the most successful comabat unit in the Drake army. You specialize in over the border raids on supply depots and advance scouting posts. You were heros as a group for your advance work in the Realmish-Dunador battles of recent years. All of you are proud of your heritage as a group. You respect Berkley greatly and trust the members of your group implicitly.
You are loyal to Berkley and the others in your group first, and the people of Dunador second. Serving in the army is just one way to protect the people of Dunador.
Your Squad:
Berkley Fighter Level 7/ Throws Darts,
Tactician Level 8 Squad Leader
Sim Fighter Level 6 Bastard Sword User
Lob Steward Level 6 Battle Axe User
Drew Fighter Level 5 Light Crossbowman
Billy Ranger Level 3 Spearman
Lit Fighter Level 5 Long Bow User
Nan Fighter Level 4/ Short Sword User
Strategist Level 3
Todd Fighter Level 4 Long Sword User
Farn Trainer Level 6 Spearman
Footman's Mace:
Speed: 7
To Hit: +1
Damage: +2
Speed: 4
To Hit: +1
Damage: +2
Thrown Hammer:
Speed: 6
To Hit: +1
Damage: +2
Speed: 4
To Hit: +1
Damage: +2
Speed: 10
Horseman's Mace:
Speed: 6
To Hit: +1
Damage: +2
Christopher Lawful Good
Combat Squad Leader
Fighter Level 7
You have been in the army for a few years, and have enjoyed a meteoric rise as a young officer. You are thorough and effective in your work, and are well-liked by all. You like to choose jobs making strikes against bandit and giant enclaves near the Realmish border. All of your squad are friends who will stick together in thick or thin.
Your Squad:
Isp Fighter Level 5 Long Bow User
Ring Fighter Level 5 Spearman
Sab Fighter Level 4 Short Sword/Dagger User
Tut Fighter Level 4 Long Bow User
Laf Fighter Level 3 Bastard Sword User
Erd Fighter Level 3 Light Crossbowman
Oz Nevronian Cleric Level 4 Party Healer
Will Trainer Level 4 Bastard Sword User
Bos Steward Level 3 Bastard Sword User
Bastard Sword:
Speed: 3
To Hit: +5
Damage: +6
Short Bow:
Speed: 3
To Hit: +1
Cramyrtle,"Cramyr" Lawful Evil
Planning Squad Strategist
Strategist Level 2/
Steward Level 4
As a strategist in a planning unit, your job is to assist Syber in planning supplies for army campaigns. You enjoy your job planning deaths. Nothing is too harsh for the enemy. You are aware that you show great promise in your field, and you hope to learn much from Syber. You Find Jance's wit engaging, but sometimes annoying. You are wary of Palk's typical silence. The scribe Man is dead weight and you are annoyed that he was assigned to this unit.
Your Squad:
Syber Leader, Steward Level 8/ Scimitar User
Tactician Level 8 A genius and your friend
Jance Merchant Level 8/ Long Bow User
Fighter Level 3 Sly, but annoying
Palk Political Scientist Level 5 Ranseur User
Fighter Level 2
Kal Engineer Level 4/ Short Sword User
Fighter Level 4
Arr Fighter Level 6 Long Sword User
Man Scribe Level 6 Goofy, whimpy
PLUS on assignment away form Blackstone:
Flip Diplomat Dunthrane Representative
Mal Diplomat Sarkian Ambassador
Dale Diplomat Realmish Ambassador
Broad Sword in right hand/
Hand Axe in left hand:
Speed: 4
Broad Sword:
To Hit: +3
Damage: +3
Hand Axe:
To Hit: -2
Broad Sword alone:
Speed: 3 1/3
To Hit: +3
Damage: +3
Dalton of Jhara Isrei Lawful Good
Temple Honor Guard
Paladin Level 2
You are a young idealist from a Dunadorian noble family. You are proud of your family's heritage and its distant connections to the early revolutionaries that founded the Confederation of Realms eight thousand years ago. You are an idealist, but not a fool. You accepted this job as a means of gaining Eldrin's troop training. You think it will benefit you in your future endeavors. Mart is a childhood friend that you would trust to the ends of Telvar.
Your Squad:
Ferris Minister Cleric Level 7 An inspired speaker, but
a bit stuffy
Mart Assistant Minister Cleric Level 4 Your best friend
Wobble* Acolyte Cleric Level 2 A good and trustable guy
Rin Choral Director Monk Level 5 Conservative, courteous
El* Monk Monk Level 3 Quiet, gruff
Sop* Monk Monk Level 2 Friendly, idealistic
Ris* Guard Fighter Level 1// Nice, but boring
Cleric Level 1 (NPC under your control)
PLUS in the Druidic Chapel are two guys in your squad that you rarely see or speak to:
Vocard Liles Old Religion Minister Druid Level 5
Ralph Jones Guard Ranger Level 2
* Indicates NPC squad member
To Hit: +1
Damage on foot: +1
Damage on horseback: +2
Long Sword:
Speed: 5
Horseman's Mace:
Speed: 6
Speed: 6
To Hit: +1
Drewsconcere,"Drew" (yet another person named Drew in Telvar, who knew?) Lawful Neutral
Combat Unit
Fighter Level 5
You are a fighter in the most successful comabat unit in the Drake army. You specialize in over the border raids on supply depots and advance scouting posts. You were heros as a group for your advance work in the Realmish-Dunador battles of recent years. All of you are proud of your heritage as a group. You respect Berkley greatly and trust the members of your group implicitly.
You are loyal to Berkley and the others in your group first, and the people of Dunador second. Serving in the army is just one way to protect the people of Dunador.
Your Squad:
Berkley Fighter Level 7/ Throws Darts,
Tactician Level 8 Squad Leader
Sim Fighter Level 6 Bastard Sword User
Lob Steward Level 6 Battle Axe User
Bolvis Fighter Level 4/ Footman's Mace
Cleric of Nevron Level 4
Billy Ranger Level 3 Spearman
Lit Fighter Level 5 Long Bow User
Nan Fighter Level 4/ Short Sword User
Strategist Level 3
Todd Fighter Level 4 Long Sword User
Farn Trainer Level 6 Spearman
Light Crossbow:
Speed: 6
To Hit: +3
Damage: +2 then doubled
Toferous, "Ferris" Lawful Good/
Nevronian Minister /Lawful Neutral
Cleric Level 7
Your primary interest is the religious well-being of your constituency with their physical well-being secondary. You are a talented speaker, but despite your efforts you have only managed to gather a small following of regular worshippers. Many people come to Sunday services, but evening prayer consists of almost only clerics.
You have always been loyal to the church at all costs, but are wary of the recent letters you have received from the church. They seem slightly in favor of democracy, which you see as a road to chaos.
Your wand works on mental command and has about twenty charges in it. Note that the scroll of protection from magic works only once and for a short time (mere minutes). It will set up a temporary but strong field.
Your Squad:
Mart Assistant Minister Cleric Level 4 nice, but impetuous
Wobble* Acolyte Cleric Level 2 a good and trustable guy
(NPC under your control)
Rin Choral Director Monk Level 5 a fine man and your
best friend
El Monk Monk Level 3 Quiet, gruff
Sop* Monk Monk Level 2 Friendly, idealistic
Ris* Guard Fighter Level 1// Competent, unimaginative
Cleric Level 1
Dalton Temple Honor Guard Paladin Level 2 Young Dunadorian Noble,
occasionally annoying
PLUS in the Druidic Chapel are two guys in your squad that you rarely see or speak to:
Vocard Liles Old Religion Minister Druid Level 4
Ralph Jones Guard Ranger Level 2
* Indicates NPC squad member
Speed: 4
Speed: 5
To Hit: +1
Damage: +1
Sajansus,"Jance" Neutral
Planning Squad Merchant
Fighter Level 3//
Merchant Level 8
You have been with Eldrin's army from the start. You are probably the chief purchaser for the entire army. You prefer to stay quiet and do your job. You respect the folks around you, but don't really like any of them. You used to talk to Dale, but now he is in the field all of the time. Now that the scribe Man has been assigned to the unit, you feel like there is again someone to talk to, and it is an improvement. You have the feeling that Syber is a jerk, but a very qualified jerk...
Your Squad:
Syber Leader, Steward Level 8/ Scimitar User
Tactician Level 8 A genius, but vicious
Cramyr Steward Level 4/ Broad Sword User
Strategist Level 2 Syber's friend, smart
Palk Political Scientist Level 5 Ranseur User
Fighter Level 2
Kal Engineer Level 4/ Short Sword User
Fighter Level 4
Arr Fighter Level 6 Long Sword User
Man Scribe Level 6 Nice, intelligent
PLUS on assignment away form Blackstone:
Flip Diplomat Dunthrane Representative
Mal Diplomat Sarkian Ambassador
Dale Diplomat Your friend, Realmish Ambassador
Long Bow:
Speed: 3
To Hit: +2
Damage: +2 then doubled
Kalkantistolious, "Kal" Lawful Neutral
Planning Squad Engineer-Artillerest
Engineer Level 4/
Fighter Level 4
You are a career army man whose primary interest is in preserving order and supporting the laws of your country. You enjoy the order and logic to the Drake army. You see your leaders as a bit violent, but they protect the people and do a good job. You are friends with Arr, the guard who protects Man the scribe. You are proud of your work and never do anything half way.
The artillery is stored on the upper level, and a ramp you know how to control allows engines to be rolled onto the walkway and down to the roof of the outer fortress. You are trained to lead firing crews.
Your Squad:
Syber Leader, Steward Level 8/ Scimitar User
Tactician Level 8 Vicious, a genius
Cramyr Steward Level 4/ Broad Sword User
Strategist Level 2 Syber's best friend, smart
Jance Merchant Level 8/ Low Bow User
Fighter Level 3 Sly, witty
Palk Political Scientist Level 5/ Ranseur User
Fighter Level 2
Arr Fighter Level 6 Long Sword User, your friend
Man Scribe Level 6 Friendly, whimpy
PLUS on assignment away form Blackstone:
Flip Diplomat Dunthrane Representative
Mal Diplomat Sarkian Ambassador
Dale Diplomat Realmish Ambassador
Short Sword:
Speed: 2
To Hit: +3
Damage: +3
Lakenothy Lawful Good
Surgical Squad Secondary Surgeon
Cleric Level 5/
Physician Level 4
You know your character so I won't dwell on it. The guys in our squad have been with you since your return from Kasil and have served you well. They are those assistants you demanded. You are secondary surgeon to a surgical genius, Tince. You work in the hospital with him.
Your Squad:
Tince Physician Level 8 Chief Surgeon, kind and skilled
Assistants to the Chief Surgeon:
Sag Physician Level 2
Moon Physician Level 1
Klick Physician Level 1/Fighter
Fred Cleric of Nevron Level 2
Assistants to the Secondary Surgeon:
Tom* Physician Level 2 Has a potion of Healing
Tab Physician Level 2
Bert* Cleric of Nevron Level 1 Uses a hammer
Toby Physicain Level 1/Cleric of Nevron Level 1
* NPC squad members under your control
Loblentle,"Lob" Lawful Good
Combat Unit
Steward Level 6
You are the steward and general caretaker for the most successful comabat unit in the Drake army. You specialize in over the border raids on supply depots and advance scouting posts. You were heros as a group for your advance work in the Realmish-Dunador battles of recent years. All of you are proud of your heritage as a group. You respect Berkley greatly and trust the members of your group implicitly.
You are loyal to Berkley and the others in your group first, and the people of Dunador second. Serving in the army is just one way to protect the people of Dunador.
The Iron Bands of Bilarro is a small steel ball. If it is thrown at someone and the command word, "Gotcha", is called out, the ball expands into a tangle of metal strips. This usually entagles the target. The weapon is very effective, but you only use it against low strength oponents. You were told by Rother at the School of Wizardry that the device will be ruined if anyone ever rips their way out of its grasp.
Your Squad:
Berkley Fighter Level 7/ Throws Darts,
Tactician Level 8 Squad Leader
Sim Fighter Level 6 Bastard Sword User
Drew Fighter Level 5 Light Crossbowman
Bolvis Fighter Level 4/ Footman's Mace
Cleric of Nevron Level 4
Billy Ranger Level 3 Spearman
Lit Fighter Level 5 Long Bow User
Nan Fighter Level 4/ Short Sword User
Strategist Level 3
Todd Fighter Level 4 Long Sword User
Farn Trainer Level 6 Spearman
Battle Axe:
Speed: 4 2/3
To Hit: +4
Damage: +4
Short Sword:
Speed: 3
To Hit: +1
Damage: +1
Short Bow:
Speed: 3
Mancistor,"Man" Lawful Neutral/
Planning Squad Political Scientist Neutral Good
Scribe Level 6
You are Eldrin's personal scribe and treasurer. You are not in the Top Ten squad so you were transferred to this squad so that you would be protected. You are ending up being dragged through gruelling training that feels like it is about to kill you.
You dislike Syber. He is cruel and laughs at your struggles to complete drills. Cramyr is nothing but his lousy toady. The others in the squad are okay guys, but none of them are too likeable. Palk and Arr seem like they enjoy your company, which is good because Syber has assigned Arr to guard you. You are worried about Eldrin. He is growing exceedingly paranoid and is paying the handful of hobgoblins in the basement five times too much money.
Your Squad:
Syber Leader, Steward Level 8/ Scimitar User
Tactician Level 8 A genius, but vicious
Cramyr Steward Level 5/ Broad Sword User
Strategist Level 2 Syber's friend, smart
Jance Merchant Level 8/ Long Bow User
Fighter Sly, suspicious
Palk Fighter/ Political Ranseur User
Scientist Level 5
Kal Engineer Level 4/Fighter Short Sword User
Arr Fighter who guards you Long Sword User
PLUS on assignment away form Blackstone
Flip Diplomat Dunthrane Representative
Mal Diplomat Sarkian Ambassador
Dale Diplomat Realmish Ambassador
Speed: 2
Martastus,"Marty" Lawful Good
Nevronian Assistant Minister
Cleric Level 4
You realize that you are vastly talented, and it is said you will be influencial in the church in your later years. You just wish to learn as much as possible from Ferris. You are a good organ player already and you are learning oratory skills from watching and copying Ferris. Dalton is your best friend. He is a Dunadorina knight that you met back in Dunthrane when you were young.
Your Squad:
Ferris Minister Cleric Level 7 An inspired speaker from
whom you could learn much
Wobble* Acolyte Cleric Level 2 a good and trustable guy
Rin Choral Director Monk Level 5 Conservative, courteous
El* Monk Monk Level 3 Quiet, gruff
Sop* Monk Monk Level 2 Friendly, idealistic
Ris* Guard Fighter Level 1// nice, but boring
Cleric Level 1
Dalton Temple Honor Guard Paladin Level 2 Young Dunadorian Noble,
your best friend
PLUS in the Druidic Chapel are two guys in your squad that you rarely see or speak to:
Vocard Liles Old Religion Minister Druid Level 3
Ralph Jones Guard Ranger Level 2
* Indicates NPC squad member
Footman's Mace:
Speed: 7
Speed: 10
To Hit: +2
Palkankus,"Palk" Lawful Neutral
Planning Squad Political Scientist
Fighter Level 2/
Political Scientist Level 5
You like your job. Sceming and planning within a set of rules is your idea of a good time. Even when everyone else is bored, you are running scenarios through your head. You are friends with Flip and the two of you write letters back and forth to discuss politics. You are fairly quiet, but try and make your words count.
Your Squad:
Syber Leader, Steward Level 8/ Scimitar User
Tactician Level 8 A genius, but vicious
Cramyr Steward Level 4/ Broad Sword User
Strategist Level 2 Syber's friend, smart
Jance Merchant Level 8/ Long Bow User
Fighter Level 2 Fun to listen to
Kal Engineer Level 4/ Short Sword User
Fighter Level 4
Arr Fighter Level 6 Long Sword User
Man Scribe Level 6 Nice, bright
PLUS on assignment away form Blackstone:
Flip Fighter/Diplomat Dunthrane Representative,
your friend
Mal Diplomat Sarkian Ambassador
Dale Diplomat Realmish Ambassador
Speed: 5 1/3
To Hit: +1
Damage: +2
Speed: 2
Damage: +1
Thrown Knife:
Speed: 3
Damage: +1
Ralph Jones Lawful Good
Old Religion Guard
Ranger Level 2
You joined the army because you liked the idea of being well-paid and well-supported to kill humanoid raiders. The orderly lifestyle also appeals to you and your sensibilities. You are taking this post as a break after four six-month rotations in the field. You prefer to travel light and fast. This job stuck inside really stinks, but you need the rest. Vocard is an okay guy for a druid. Like many druids he seems a little wish-washy, and his lack of millitary training gives him an aura of incompetence that you would dislike in the field. Here, in Blackstone, it seems irrelevant, and he is a nice enough guy.
Your Squad:
Vocard Liles Old Religion Minister Druid Level 3 A quiet, but OK guy
PLUS the Nevronian folks in the chapel next door that you rarely see:
Ferris Minister Cleric Level 7-8
Mart Assistant Minister Cleric Level 3-4
Wobble* Acolyte Cleric Level 1-2
Rin Choral Director Monk Level 5
El* Monk Monk Level 3
Sop* Monk Monk Level 2
Dalton Temple Honor Guard Paladin Level 2 Young Dunadorian Noble
Ris* Guard Fighter Level 2//Cleric Level 1
* Indicates NPC squad member
Long Bow:
Speed: 3
To Hit: +4
Damage: +2 then doubled
Sabrinious,"Rin" Lawful Neutral
Head Monk/Choral Director
Monk Level 5
Your primary interest is the religious well-being of your constituency and the protection of the chapel staff. You are a man with a passion for music, and you are working on your own choral compositions. Mart keeps suggesting changes, but you like the organ plyer despite.
You control El and Sop, low level monks who will follow your orders fairly unquestionably. Both sing well. A young fellow with the surgical unit named Toby has been playing the harp for you, and you are very impressed with his skill and polite manners.
Your Squad:
Ferris Minister Cleric Level 7 A great speaker and your
best friend.
Mart Acolyte Cleric Level 2 a good and trustable guy
El* Monk Monk Level 3 Quiet, gruff
(NPC under your control)
Sop* Monk Monk Level 2 Friendly, idealistic
(NPC under your control)
Ris* Guard Fighter Level 1// Competent, unimaginative
Cleric Level 1
Dalton Temple Honor Guard Paladin Level 2 Young Dunadorian Noble,
occasionally annoying
PLUS in the Druidic Chapel are two guys in your squad that you rarely see or speak to:
Vocard Liles Old Religion Minister Druid Level 4
Ralph Jones Guard Ranger Level 2
* Indicates NPC squad member
Falchion Sword:
Speed: 5
Damage: +1
Light Crossbow:
Speed: 6
Damage: +1
Simsattle,"Sim" Lawful Good
Combat Unit
Fighter Level 6
You are a fighter in the most successful comabat unit in the Drake army. You specialize in over the border raids on supply depots and advance scouting posts. You were heros as a group for your advance work in the Realmish-Dunador battles of recent years. All of you are proud of your heritage as a group. You respect Berkley greatly and trust the members of your group implicitly.
You are loyal to Berkley and the others in your group first, and the people of Dunador second. Serving in the army is just one way to protect the people of Dunador.
You are heavily scarred and remember the days when you were young and handsome. You are embittered and convinced that you will make life as safe as possible for others.
Your Squad:
Berkley Fighter Level 7/ Throws Darts,
Tactician Level 8 Squad Leader
Lob Steward Level 6 Battle Axe User
Drew Fighter Level 5 Light Crossbowman
Bolvis Fighter Level 4/ Footman's Mace
Cleric of Nevron Level 4
Billy Ranger Level 3 Spearman
Lit Fighter Level 5 Long Bow User
Nan Fighter Level 4/ Short Sword User
Strategist Level 3
Todd Fighter Level 4 Long Sword User
Farn Trainer Level 6 Spearman
Bastard Sword:
Speed: 4
To Hit: +4
Damage: +6
Long Sword:
Speed: 5
To Hit: +1
Damage: +3
Speed: 6
To Hit: +1
Damage: +3
Syber of Brershill Lawful Evil/
Planning Squad Leader Lawful Neutral
Steward Level 8/
Tactician Level 8
You are a grim and somewhat bloodthirsty warrior. You have been in Eldrin's army since its formation. You respect all of your men as warriors and think of them as competent individuals. Cramyr is your only friend. You find the rest a bit spineless. Man the scribe is Eldrin's scribe but you were forced to put him in your squad to take care of him. He is a very good scribe, but you feel that you have to baby him in training.
You are a noble of the house Brershill. You and your cousin Duke Konrad are the most powerful members of the family, but you find him to be eccentric and politically clumsy. An old and weak patriarch still runs the Brershill manor, your father. When Eldrin becomes king you will be made commander of Blackstone and he has promised to make you Duke of Drake if at all possible. You have the most commendation stripes in the whole army. Only a fighter named Berkley has nearly as many.
Your Squad:
Ar Guard, Fighter Level 6 Long Sword User
Cramyr Steward Level 4/ Broad Sword User
Strategist Level 2
Jance Merchant Level 8/ Low Bow User
Fighter Level 3
Palk Political Scientist Level 5 Ranseur User
Fighter Level 2
Man Scribe Level 6 Hopeless at defending himself
Kal Engineer Level 4/ Short Sword User and Artillerist
Fighter Level 4
PLUS on assignment away form Blackstone:
Flip Fighter/Diplomat Dunthrane Representative
Mal Assasin/Diplomat Sarkian Ambassador
Dale Fighter/Diplomat Realmish Ambassador
Speed: 2
To Hit: +3
Damage: +3
Speed: 6
Tablitrus,"Tab" Lawful Neutral
Surgical Squad -
Assistant to the Secondary Surgeon
Physician Level 2
Realmish Spy
Physician Level 1/
Assassin Level 3
You are a Realmish assassin. You are a deep mole who has been doing this for ten years. You have actually undergone Delta training and served in the army. As a surgeon you never have to fight your fellow Realmers, so you actually have come to enjoy your job over the years. You are loyal to the emporer and trust his judgement. You recieve secret letters about once every six months and all looks quiet from the Realm, which has no interest in squandering its resources in the present conflict.
If given a chance to kill Eldrin, you will. He killed your familt at Asteko and your brother died in the war from a fireball from his high wizard. The people of Dunador are not your enemies, but their eveil leaders are.
The knife tokens are tiny pins that turn into full sized, but non-magical knives at a mental cue. They are hidden on the inside of your belt. In a secret pocket in your armor is a vial of death poison and thieves tools are hidden in your boot.
Your Squad:
Tince Physician Level 8 Chief Surgeon
Assistants to the Chief Surgeon:
Sag Physician Level 2
Moon Physicain Level 1
Klick Physician Level 1/Fighter
Fred Cleric of Nevron Level 2
Ken Cleric of Nevron Level 5/Physician Level 4 Secondary Surgeon
Assistants to the Secondary Surgeon:
Tom Physician Level 2
Bert Cleric of Nevron Level 1
Toby Cleric of Nevron Level 1/Physician Level 1
Speed: 2
Damage: +1
Thrown Knife:
Speed: 3
To Hit: +3
Damage: +1
Cotobule,"Toby" Lawful Good
Surgical Squad -
Assistant to the Secondary Surgeon
Cleric Level 1/
Physician Level 1
You are a bright young son of a wealthy tailor. You went on to become a physician and cleric, but were still dissatisfied. You heard about Ken and joined the army to learn from him. The training taught you self- discipline you appreciate, and you feel like you are in a place where you can do some good.
Your Squad:
Tince Physician Level 8 Chief Surgeon
Assistants to the Chief Surgeon:
Sag Physician Level 2
Moon Physicain Level 1
Klick Physician Level 1/Fighter
Fred Cleric of Nevron Level 2
Ken Cleric of Nevron Level 5/Physician Level 4 Secondary Surgeon
Assistants to the Secondary Surgeon:
Tom Physician Level 2
Tab Physician Level 2
Bert Cleric of Nevron Level 1
Speed: 10
To Hit: +2